

Fact Check


 Around the World

Asian Powers Set Their Strategic Sights on Europe

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

America is Stuck in a Century-Old Immigration Debate

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

For Putin, the EU Is a Bigger Threat Than NATO

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

When It Comes to Political Violence, America Is Not Exceptional

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

America Is in Denial About NATO’s Future

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

The Problem With Invoking the ‘Third World’ Slur

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

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Asian Powers Set Their Strategic Sights on Europe

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

When It Comes to Political Violence, America Is Not Exceptional

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

How Trump Republicans really feel about NATO

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

US has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence election, says Blinken

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Chuck Schumer lauds Senate’s ‘greatest achievement in years’ as foreign aid bill passes – video

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…


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