As Virus Resurges in Africa, Doctors Fear the Worst Is Yet to Come‑1/00virus-africa-nginza-1-moth.jpg#mast­head-sec­tion-label, #mas­t­­head-bar-one { dis­play: none }The Coro­n­avirus Out­breakliveLat­est UpdatesMaps and Cas­esThe Stim­u­lus DealThe Lat­est Vac­cine Infor­ma­tionF.A.Q.Credit…Samantha Rein­ders for The New York Times As Virus Resurges in Africa, Doc­tors Fear the Worst Is Yet to Come The coro­n­avirus killed far few­er peo­ple in


Central Africa Rebel Groups Call Off Cease-Fire Before Election–12/000_8XR2NE.jpg?imwidth=800BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC — A rebel coali­tion that has been fight­ing the gov­ern­ment in the Cen­tral African Repub­lic said Fri­day that it was call­ing off a three-day cease-fire ahead of a tense gen­er­al elec­tion on the week­end. The rebel


Malawi Re-introduces COVID-19 Restrictions as Cases Surge–12/Buses car­ry­ing Malaw­ian migrant work­ers from South Africa arrive at Mwan­za Bor­der in south­ern Malawi– Pho­tos court­sy of Pasqually Zulu, Mwan­za Bor­der Immigration.jpg?imwidth=800BLANTYRE, MALAWI — Malawi has closed its bor­ders after con­firmed cas­es of COVID-19 jumped 75 per­cent in the past two weeks.  Malawi author­i­ties attribute the surge to relaxed pre­ven­tive mea­sures and increased cross-border…


The Infodemic: Social Media Posts Spread Misinformation About COVID-19 Deaths–11/reuters_el_paso_covid_deaths_23Nov20.JPG?imwidth=800 is a fact-check­­ing web­site pro­duced by Voice of Amer­i­ca (VOA)​ and Radio Free Europe/Radio Lib­er­ty. The web­site serves as a resource for ver­i­fy­ing the increas­ing vol­ume of dis­in­for­ma­tion and mis­in­for­ma­tion being dis­trib­uted and shared glob­al­ly. A sim­i­lar web­site in the Russ­ian language
