Thousands of Refugees from Ethiopia’s Tigray Region Fleeing Violence–11/afp_ethiopia_sudan_refugees_16Nov20.jpg?imwidth=800The bor­der town of Ham­day­at, Sudan, is now home to thou­sands of refugees from Ethiopia’s Tigray region flee­ing vio­lence. Among the esti­mat­ed 8,000 who have arrived in recent days are the par­ents of sev­en-month-old twins born pre­ma­ture­ly, lay­ing on a

New App Identifies Mosquitoes by Buzzing Sound high-pitched whine of a mos­qui­to is annoy­ing, but sci­en­tists have devel­oped an app that uses that sound to detect dan­ger­ous mos­qui­toes. Mos­qui­toes kill hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple each year by spread­ing microbes that cause dis­eases such as malaria,


Averting civil war in Ethiopia: It’s time to propose elements of a negotiated settlement weeks ago, Amer­i­cans and mil­lions around the globe were glued to their tele­vi­sions as votes were tal­lied in Flori­da, Penn­syl­va­nia, Michi­gan, Wis­con­sin, Geor­gia, and North Car­oli­na. But as the world was con­sumed with elec­tions in the Unit­ed States, a

Top Trump Aide: ‘Obviously’ Looks Like Biden Won the Election–11/2020–10–20T161707Z_1759028425_RC2GMJ941WPN_RTRMADP_3_USA-BRAZIL.JPG?imwidth=800WASHINGTON — A top advis­er to U.S. Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump appeared to admit Mon­day there is lit­tle chance the pres­i­dent will be declared the win­ner in this month’s pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, even though he and oth­er key aides are still hoping

Setback for Bolsonaro after poor results in Brazil local elections — The Guardian

Jair Bol­sonaro – already smart­ing from Don­ald Trump’s defeat – has suf­fered a fur­ther set­back after can­di­dates he had cham­pi­oned per­formed dis­mal­ly in munic­i­pal elec­tions. Sunday’s vote pro­vid­ed the first elec­toral oppor­tu­ni­ty to gauge the health of the Brazil­ian president’s anti-establishment


EU Signs Deal for 405 Billion Doses of Potential German COVID Vaccine–11/2020–11–12T134304Z_373206317_RC2P1K9HCG5L_RTRMADP_3_HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS-GERMANY-CUREVAC.JPG?imwidth=800 The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, the Euro­pean Union’s admin­is­tra­tive branch, announced  Mon­day a deal with to pur­chase 405 bil­lion dos­es of a poten­tial coro­n­avirus vac­cine from Ger­man bio-tech com­pa­ny Cure­Vac.  The announce­ment comes just days after EU offi­cials announced a similar
