Major newspaper company to stop endorsing political candidates

This sto­ry, plus the Twit­ter-Musk tri­al stalls as pro­posed deal looms, a look at research on alter­na­tive social media sites, how news orga­ni­za­tions are grap­pling with cov­er­ing demon­stra­tions in Iran and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Oct 6, 2022Major news­pa­per com­pa­ny will stop endors­ing nation­al and statewide can­di­datesKatie Robert­son / The New […] The…


Europe’s American president: The paradox of Ursula von der Leyen

Europe’s Amer­i­can pres­i­dent: The para­dox of Ursu­la von der Leyen Euro­pean Com­mis­sion chief’s top-down approach has endeared her to Wash­ing­ton but alien­at­ed col­leagues in Brus­sels. By Suzanne Lynch and Ilya Grid­neff Illus­tra­tion by Lucas Pev­er­ill for POLITICO Ursu­la von der Leyen’s whirl­wind tour of the Unit­ed States start­ed in New York at the Unit­ed Nations General…


How Kenya’s Mpesa Enables and Unifies

Once upon a time, com­mu­ni­ca­tion used to be through smoke sig­nals. Slow­ly but sure­ly human evo­lu­tion brought with it the gad­get we now know as the tele­phone. His name was Alexan­der Gra­ham Bell, a Scot­tish-born inven­tor, sci­en­tist, and engi­neer who was cred­it­ed with patent­ing the first prac­ti­cal tele­phone. No one was pre­pared for how rapidly…


In Search Of My Father — BBC Africa Eye documentary

In Kenya, over a third of the pop­u­la­tion grow up in sin­gle par­ent fam­i­lies.  #BBCAfrica­Eye fol­lows the per­son­al jour­ney of reporter Namuk­abo Werun­gah, who has nev­er known her father and has decid­ed to search for this miss­ing part of her iden­ti­ty. She has no idea if he is alive or dead, but with her wedding…


UN Report Targets Racism Against People of African Descent report by the U.N. human rights office finds sys­temic racism against peo­ple of African descent is deep-root­ed and says urgent mea­sures are need­ed to dis­man­tle dis­crim­i­na­to­ry sys­tems. It took the death of a Black man, George Floyd, 46, at the hands of a police offi­cer in the Unit­ed States in May 2020 to draw…

Dimbabwe's Development

A New City Aims to Boost Zimbabwe’s Development

At the 77th ses­sion of the Unit­ed Nations Gen­er­al Assem­bly, African lead­ers called for the West to ease sanc­tions on Zim­bab­we. Recent­ly the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca sanc­tioned 56 com­pa­nies and 85 indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing cur­rent Pres­i­dent Emer­son Mnan­gag­wa. Locals in the coun­try say the sanc­tions play a role in Zim­bab­we’s eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment as indus­tries have…
