The media establishment lays on the horn: Joe must go

One of the endur­ing themes of Pres­i­dent Joseph Biden’s pub­lic life has been intense ambiva­lence about the elite insti­tu­tions of Amer­i­can life and the well-cre­­den­­tialed, well-spo­ken, well-paid careerists who occu­py them. There is resent­ment, from the so-so stu­dent with a stut­ter who grew up in Scran­ton and small-town Delaware and didn’t have the eco­nom­ic and educational…

Canada’s public broadcaster pauses Twitter account, joining U.S. outlets

This sto­ry, plus Fox News-Dom­in­ion defama­tion tri­al to begin today, new data from Pew Research Cen­ter on Amer­i­cans’ pod­cast lis­ten­ing habits and atti­tudes and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Apr 18, 2023Canada’s pub­lic broad­cast­er paus­es Twit­ter over ‘gov­­ern­­ment-fund­ed’ tag Andrew Jeong / The Wash­ing­ton Post Apr 18, 2023Fox News and Domin­ion tri­al […] The…

‘Keep your head down’ — Americans in Russia tread carefully after arrest of US journalist

MOSCOW — If Amer­i­cans in Rus­sia were wor­ried before, they now have an extra rea­son to be con­cerned.  The arrest of the Wall Street Jour­nal reporter Evan Ger­shkovich has sent rip­ples of alarm through the com­mu­ni­ty of Amer­i­can jour­nal­ists in Rus­sia, leav­ing many in the coun­try won­der­ing who, if any­one, might be next.  Ger­shkovich was seized by FSB security…