Jill Biden to Visit Africa for First Time as First Lady 

https://gdb.voanews.com/01000000–0aff-0242–9ce4-08db1435658f_w800_h450.jpgJill Biden left Tues­day for her first vis­it to Africa as U.S. first lady, with plans to stop in Namib­ia and Kenya, the White House said. Biden will focus on women’s empow­er­ment, children’s issues and food inse­cu­ri­ty that has rav­aged parts of the con­ti­nent. She will be the first White House offi­cial to vis­it Africa this…


What Joint Drills With South African, Russian Navies Mean for China 

https://gdb.voanews.com/01000000–0aff-0242–759d-08db141d0e47_w800_h450.jpgSouth Africa is under fire for host­ing joint naval exer­cis­es with Rus­sia dur­ing the one-year anniver­sary of the inva­sion of Ukraine, with crit­ics say­ing it will be a pro­pa­gan­da vic­to­ry for Moscow. But what does the third par­tic­i­pant in the drills, Chi­na, have to gain from the tri­par­tite exer­cis­es tak­ing place this week? Some ana­lysts told…


Peter Obi Has Energized Nigeria’s Young Voters. Will They Turn Out for Him?

https://static01.nyt.com/images/2023/02/18/multimedia/18nigeria-election-youth-1-gwhc/18nigeria-election-youth-1-gwhc-moth.jpgThe race is wide open in the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in Nige­ria, Africa’s most pop­u­lous nation and a strug­gling eco­nom­ic pow­er­house. Youth look­ing to evict the old guard are cheer­ing on Peter Obi, a sur­prise third-par­­ty candidate.