California lawmakers attempt to force tech giants to pay news outlets

This sto­ry, plus the leader of white suprema­cist group arrest­ed for threat­en­ing to kill a jour­nal­ist, TikTok’s pop­u­lar­i­ty presents a chal­lenge to pos­si­ble U.S. ban and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Mar 21, 2023California mea­sure would force tech giants to pay news out­lets Cris­tiano Lima, David DiMolfet­ta / The Wash­ing­ton Post Mar […] The…

Julian Assange to be extradited to the U.S. on espionage charges

This sto­ry, plus Meta, Google, and Twit­ter promise to take a tougher line against dis­in­for­ma­tion, Karoli­na Waclaw­iak named new edi­­tor-in-chief of Buz­zfeed News and more, all in today’s media head­lines. The Center’s dai­ly brief­ing of media news will be on hia­tus Mon­day, June 20 in obser­vance of the hol­i­day. The brief­ing will be updat­ed again…

UK Plan to Deport Asylum Seekers to Rwanda Considered “Cruel”

Fol­low­ing a recent agree­ment signed between the British and Rwan­dan gov­ern­ments on asy­lum seek­ers in the Unit­ed King­dom, sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al aid agen­cies report that some asy­lum seek­ers in the UK have gone into hid­ing for fear of being sent to Rwan­da. Under the agree­ment, peo­ple sus­pect­ed of ille­gal­ly enter­ing the UK would be flown to…

DHS pauses controversial Disinformation Governance Board

This sto­ry, plus Meta cre­ates new glob­al media part­ner­ships team, Chris Wal­lace to lead new show on CNN Sun­day line­up and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 18, 2022 May 19, 2022 May 18, 2022 Local News May 18, 2022 Social Media May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022 About Mis­in­for­ma­tion May…

Elon Musk Is a Problem Masquerading as a Solution

It is a per­fect mar­riage for an age of plu­toc­ra­cy: Twit­ter with its seri­ous prob­lems and Elon Musk, the embod­i­ment of those prob­lems. What hap­pens when the incar­na­tion of a prob­lem buys the right to decide what the prob­lem is and how to fix it? Twit­ter has a dis­in­for­ma­tion prob­lem — fake news about Covid vac­cines, cli­mate and more…

Ethiopia’s Tigray Conflict Is Dominating Africa Headline News

  Ten­sions in Ethiopia’s north­ern Tigray region have gone from talk­ing about the poten­tial for con­flict into what is now the after­math of a war between the country’s fed­er­al gov­ern­ment in Addis Aba­ba and the region­al gov­ern­ment in Tigray. An esti­mat­ed six mil­lion peo­ple live in the Tigray region.  Since fight­ing began on Novem­ber 4,…