US has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence election, says Blinken

Sec­re­tary of state met Xi Jin­ping in Bei­jing and warned of sanc­tions over China’s sup­port for Russ­ian arms indus­try Wash­ing­ton has seen evi­dence of attempts by Bei­jing to “influ­ence and arguably inter­fere” in this year’s US elec­tions, the sec­re­tary of state has said dur­ing a trip to Chi­na, also warn­ing that Chi­nese com­pa­nies face new…

EU election needs to bring out the best of Europe — not the worst

David Miliband is the pres­i­dent and CEO of the Inter­na­tion­al Res­cue Com­mit­tee. Any polit­i­cal con­sul­tant will tell you that all pol­i­tics is local. How­ev­er, this year’s Euro­pean elec­tion will test that propo­si­tion. Indeed, there’s plen­ty of local dis­sent against gov­ern­ing par­ties, but from Gaza to Ukraine and migra­tion to food and ener­gy prices, it’s a…

US says no troops to Haiti as country reels from explosion of gang violence

Wash­ing­ton says no despite ‘fran­tic’ talks between diplo­mats, as bod­ies lie in street and army bat­tles gun-tot­ing gang mem­bers What led to the Haiti jail­break – and can democ­ra­cy be restored? The Unit­ed States has said it will not send troops to Haiti after a stun­ning erup­tion of gang vio­lence seem­ing­ly designed to bring down…