2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to Visit Colorado

Den­ver-based Peace Jam Foun­da­tion has announced that one of the recip­i­ents of the 2011 Nobel Prize for Peace, Liber­ian social work­er, Lemah Gbowee, will vis­it Col­orado in Novem­ber. The announce­ment post­ed on the orga­ni­za­tion’s web­site stat­ed, “Nobel Peace Prize Win­ner Leymah Gbowee will pre­sent­ing the 2012 Peace Jam Hero Award to Edie Lut­nick and Ken…

Kofi Annan — A Tribute

His full name is Kofi Atta Annan. Many of us have not reflect­ed on or digest­ed the role that he has played in inter­na­tion­al rela­tions, diplo­ma­cy, and world affairs since he took over lead­er­ship at the Unit­ed Nations almost nine years ago. We looked away out of a lack of inter­est in real lead­er­ship from people…