Window of opportunity closing for South Sudan, on road to lasting peace

With eight months remain­ing, the win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty is clos­ing for South Sudan to meet crit­i­cal bench­marks required to com­plete its tran­si­tion away from long-run­n­ing civ­il con­flict, the Spe­cial Rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the coun­try told the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil on Mon­day, press­ing par­ties to the Novem­ber 2018 peace deal, to imple­ment their com­mit­ments in let­ter and spirit.

Conflict, floods and COVID-19 push South Sudanese into extreme hunger 

Dri­ven by inse­cu­ri­ty, the effects of COVID-19, an on-going eco­nom­ic cri­sis, and the impact of flood­ing on liveli­hoods, three UN agen­cies called on Fri­day for imme­di­ate human­i­tar­i­an access to east­ern South Sudan’s Pibor coun­ty, where peo­ple are fac­ing cat­a­stroph­ic lev­els of hunger. 

Kofi Annan — A Tribute

His full name is Kofi Atta Annan. Many of us have not reflect­ed on or digest­ed the role that he has played in inter­na­tion­al rela­tions, diplo­ma­cy, and world affairs since he took over lead­er­ship at the Unit­ed Nations almost nine years ago. We looked away out of a lack of inter­est in real lead­er­ship from people…