Black Lives Matter: Activists demand #EndSARS protesters’ release

share­Sharen­o­close­Share pagelinkCopy link­About shar­ing image copy­right­Get­ty Images Promi­nent Black Lives Mat­ters activists and celebri­ties have writ­ten to Nige­ri­a’s pres­i­dent demand­ing jus­tice over the treat­ment of peo­ple dur­ing protests against police bru­tal­i­ty. The group, which

How to reignite Africa’s growth and avoid the need for future debt jubilee

In ancient times, debt jubilees were cus­tom­ary after wars or dra­mat­ic events. By wip­ing out debts, these jubilees sought to avoid polar­iza­tion and social ten­sions. Today, the mas­sive dis­lo­ca­tions caused by the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic pro­vide jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the inter­na­tion­al community


Writing During Trump Era — 6 Things African Journalists Must Know

Writ­ing dur­ing the Don­ald Trump Era: It was crit­i­cal for those who advo­cat­ed on behalf of the African con­ti­nent, African blog­gers and jour­nal­ists espe­cial­ly, to take a stand and fight for the con­ti­nent we believe in. African blog­gers need to have a voice on the inter­net, just as the mil­i­tary has a voice on the…

Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie

Captain Phillips, Lost Boys highlight ‘Danger of a Single African Story’

  Chi­ma­man­da Ngozie Adichie is a hero, if not a lit­er­ary star, among today’s gen­er­a­tion of young Africans.  Adichie’s “The dan­ger of a Sin­gle Sto­ry,” a Ted Talk she gave in 2009 about the sin­gle African nar­ra­tive por­trayed by the media that focus­es sole­ly on pover­ty, des­ti­tu­tion, and hope­less­ness, has received more than 6 million…

Africans More Optimistic about Future: Pew Study

News that the African con­ti­nent is mak­ing progress con­tin­ues to pour in. Not only is the con­ti­nent mak­ing progress eco­nom­i­cal­ly and polit­i­cal­ly, but opti­mism by the African peo­ple is also play­ing a role in this as well. In a recent Pew Research Cen­ter sur­vey of eight nations, the research found that Africans were more opti­mistic about…

Denverite Encouraged by Resilient Spirit of Kenyans

Sep­tem­ber 21 marked a day of shock and con­fu­sion for many peo­ple in Kenya when news spread of an attack at the West­gate Shop­ping Cen­ter in Nairo­bi’s trendy West­lands neigh­bor­hood, an area fre­quent­ed by many for­eign­ers. A total of 67 peo­ple were report­ed­ly killed in the siege that last­ed about four days. Ter­ror­ists tor­tured, killed,…