Benin Bronzes Returned to Nigeria from Germany

Two of the renowned arti­facts were giv­en back to Nige­ria on Fri­day, and Ger­many intends to give the African coun­try own­er­ship of some 1,100 more. Ger­many returned two of the price­less arti­facts known as the Benin Bronzes to Nige­ria on Fri­day, after reach­ing a polit­i­cal agree­ment that could soon see hun­dreds more return to the country…

Billionaires Can Arm Ukraine Dear Jeff Bezos, I know these are trou­bling times for you and the 2,667 oth­er mem­bers of the world’s bil­lion­aire club. Accord­ing to Forbes, there used to be 2,755 of you, but the world’s cur­rent tur­bu­lence has rel­e­gat­ed 87 of you to the mere ranks of mul­ti­mil­lion­aires and shaved your col­lec­tive worth by $400 billion,…

Who Managed COVID-19 Best, and Why?‑COVID-britain-book-review-preventable-GettyImages-1209024037.jpg A pedes­tri­an pass­es art­work by the artist known as the Rebel Bear on a wall on Bath Street in Glas­gow, Eng­land, in April 2020. Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Get­ty Images Dur­ing a recent trip to Lon­don, I saw almost no one wear­ing a mask—except for Amer­i­can tourists, who were eas­i­ly iden­ti­fi­able because they wore…

Commonwealth’s Fissures Exposed at Week of Meetings This year’s sum­mit for the group of nations came as they grap­pled with the place of the monar­chy, and as many were forg­ing con­nec­tions with pow­ers like Chi­na and Rus­sia. KIGALI, Rwan­da — As the lead­ers of the Com­mon­wealth wrapped up a week of closed-door meet­ings, pan­el dis­cus­sions and for­mal din­ners on Sat­ur­day in…

Commonwealth Meeting in Rwanda Has a Long Agenda. Human Rights Isn’t on It. A sum­mit of the orga­ni­za­tion that was born out of the embers of the British Empire is being held for the first time in the African coun­try, but dis­cus­sion of the host’s alleged abus­es is con­spic­u­ous­ly miss­ing. KIGALI, Rwan­da — Pres­i­dents, princes and prime min­is­ters from across the world gath­ered on Fri­day in Kigali,…

Philadelphia celebrates Juneteenth with block party, parade, film festival, and more — WHYY

It was a fes­tive Sun­day in Philadel­phia, as folks cel­e­brat­ed June­teenth in sev­er­al parts of the city.  In Cen­ter City, the African Amer­i­can Muse­um in Philadel­phia, or AAMP, host­ed a June­teenth block par­ty where hun­dreds of peo­ple jammed to hip hop and dance clas­sics like “The Wob­ble” and Jay‑Z’s “I Just Wan­na Love You.”  The block party…

Biden’s Defense Chief Puts Alliances at Center Stage of U.S. Defense­come back to For­eign Pol­i­cy’s SitRep! Jack and Rob­bie here, chuck­ling at Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelenksy’s vis­i­ble dis­com­fort with French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron’s PDA dur­ing his vis­it to Kyiv, Ukraine’s cap­i­tal, today. Alright, back to work. Here’s what’s on tap for the day: U.S. Defense Sec­re­tary Lloyd Austin tries to walk and chew gum between deterring…

Belgium gambles on Congo’s President Tshisekedi

Bar­bara Moens is a trade reporter at POLITICO Europe. KINSHASA — The Bel­gian roy­als’ vis­it to Con­go, which end­ed ear­li­er this week, was an attempt to grap­ple with Belgium’s gris­ly colo­nial past. But as a con­se­quence, Brus­sels also end­ed up embrac­ing — and aid­ing — Con­golese Pres­i­dent Félix Tshiseke­di, who came to pow­er in an election…

Belgian King Regrets Colonial ‘Humiliation’ in Landmark Congo Trip–5b17-08da49a5c77e_w800_h450.jpgKin­shasa, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of the Con­go —  King Philippe of Bel­gium, in a his­toric vis­it to Con­go, said on Wednes­day that his coun­try’s rule over the vast cen­tral African coun­try had inflict­ed pain and humil­i­a­tion through a mix­ture of “pater­nal­ism, dis­crim­i­na­tion and racism.”  In a speech out­side Con­go’s par­lia­ment, Philippe ampli­fied remorse he first voiced two years…

Belgian King Returns Mask to Congo in Landmark Visit‑1/08congo-belgium-1-moth.jpg But so far, the monarch has not apol­o­gized for decades of bru­tal Bel­gian rule dur­ing which up to 10 mil­lion Con­golese peo­ple died. DAKAR, Sene­gal — The king of Bel­gium on Wednes­day hand­ed over a large wood­en mask to the pres­i­dent of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of Con­go, one of thou­sands of objects tak­en long ago…