Africa mostly quiet amid widespread condemnation of Russia — The Columbian

KAMPALA, Ugan­da — Ugan­dan Pres­i­dent Yow­eri Musev­eni recent­ly remarked that Russia’s war on Ukraine should be seen in the con­text of Moscow being the “cen­ter of grav­i­ty” for East­ern Europe.
His son, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kaineru­ga­ba, was more force­ful, declar­ing that most Africans “sup­port Russia’s stand in Ukraine” and “Putin is absolute­ly right!”
Amid a world­wide cho­rus of con­dem­na­tion, much of Africa has either pushed back or remained notice­ably qui­et. Twen­ty-five of Africa’s 54 nations abstained or didn’t record a vote in the U.N. Gen­er­al Assem­bly res­o­lu­tion ear­li­er this month con­demn­ing Russia.
The rea­son? Many nations on the con­ti­nent of 1.3 bil­lion peo­ple have long-stand­ing ties and sup­port from Moscow, dat­ing back to the Cold War when the Sovi­et Union sup­port­ed anti-colo­nial struggles.
Those rela­tions have tight­ened in recent years: As U.S. inter­est in Africa appeared to wane under Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s admin­is­tra­tion, Rus­sia — along with Chi­na — expand­ed its influ­ence, enlarg­ing its eco­nom­ic foot­print to include every­thing from agri­cul­tur­al pro­grams to ener­gy plants. In 2019, dig­ni­taries from 43 African nations attend­ed a sum­mit with Rus­sia, which also has become the dom­i­nant exporter of weapons into sub-Saha­ran Africa, accord­ing to the Stock­holm Inter­na­tion­al Peace Research Institute.


Google internet cable lands in Africa, promising fast connection | Reuters

DAKAR, March 18 (Reuters) — A sub­sea cable owned by Google (GOOGL.O) that promis­es to dou­ble inter­net speeds for mil­lions in Africa arrived in Togo on Fri­day, the com­pa­ny said, the lat­est step in a mul­ti-year project to pro­vide cheap­er access to users across the continent.The Equiano cable, the first of its kind to reach Africa, has wound its way from Por­tu­gal and will dou­ble inter­net speed for Togo’s 8 mil­lion res­i­dents, Google said in a statement.That may be a taste of things to come for oth­er coun­tries set to ben­e­fit in a region where inter­net use is ris­ing fast but where net­works are often crip­pling­ly slow and are a drag on eco­nom­ic development.Register now for FREE unlim­it­ed access to Reuters.comRegisterThe new line will also make land in Nige­ria, Namib­ia and South Africa, with pos­si­ble branch­es offer­ing con­nec­tions to near­by coun­tries. It is expect­ed to start oper­at­ing by the end of the year.Sub-Saharan Africa is the world’s least-con­nect­ed region, with around a quar­ter of the pop­u­la­tion still lack­ing mobile broad­band cov­er­age com­pared to 7% glob­al­ly, accord­ing to a 2020 report by GSMA Intelligence.Most coun­tries in West Africa are at the bot­tom of a World Bank glob­al rank­ing on inter­net pen­e­tra­tion. read more Togo will be the first to ben­e­fit. The cable is expect­ed to reduce inter­net prices by 14% by 2025, accord­ing to an Africa Prac­tice and Gen­e­sis Ana­lyt­ics assess­ment com­mis­sioned by Google.Google said the cable will indi­rect­ly cre­ate 37,000 jobs in Togo by 2025 and boost GDP by $193 million.Register now for FREE unlim­it­ed access to Reuters.comRegisterReporting by Sofia Chris­tensen; Edit­ing by Edward McAl­lis­ter­Our Stan­dards: The Thom­son Reuters Trust Principles.


African Billionaire To Launch Bid For Chelsea — Soccer Laduma

An African bil­lion­aire is report­ed­ly close to launch­ing a bid for Chelsea after out­go­ing own­er Roman Abramovich recent­ly announced the club was for sale.
Report: Tuchel Makes Final Deci­sion On Chelsea Future
Accord­ing to the Dai­ly Mail, Ghana­ian busi­ness­man Bernard Antwi Boasi­ako has con­firmed he is eager to buy the Lon­don giants amid the ongo­ing cri­sis at Stam­ford Bridge. 
Last week, the UK gov­ern­ment imposed major sanc­tions on Russ­ian-Israeli oli­garch Abramovich, who has been Chelsea’s own­er since 2003. 
His rela­tion­ship, how­ev­er, with Russ­ian pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin has land­ed him and oth­er mega-rich Russ­ian busi­ness­men in hot water in Eng­land, with the bil­lion­aire cur­rent­ly thought to be in the process of sell­ing the club. 
Below are the 10 high­est-paid at Chelsea: 

Rumours recent­ly emerged that Boasi­ako, who made his bil­lions being a gold­mine own­er, was explor­ing an offer for the Pre­mier League giants due to his fond feel­ings towards the Blues. 
A spokesper­son for the wealthy busi­ness has since appeared to con­firm his inter­est: “Bernard Antwi Boasi­ako is explor­ing a poten­tial offer for Chelsea. Dis­cus­sions with var­i­ous par­ties involved in the sale have tak­en place.
“Chelsea has a last­ing lega­cy in Africa, play­ers like Didi­er Drog­ba and Michael Essien are leg­ends of the club; the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enhance the club’s rep­u­ta­tion in Africa is a very tempt­ing prospect.
“Restor­ing sta­bil­i­ty and ensur­ing there are no job loss­es are among the priorities.”
Below is where Abramovich cur­rent­ly ranks among the wealth­i­est Pre­mier League club owners: 

