Ivory Coast, a Big Cocoa Exporter, Tries to Move Up the Ladder

https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/08/05/world/00ivory-coast-chocolate-promo/merlin_208982373_5e41dd4d-86b6-4a7e-bca6-7bd9ad2a099a-moth.jpgA new gen­er­a­tion of Ivory Coast choco­latiers is striv­ing to change an indus­try that has long left cocoa farm­ers in pover­ty. GRAND-BASSAM, Ivory Coast — The work­er care­ful­ly peeled the husks from the cocoa beans to keep them from break­ing, then tipped them into a met­al tray that a col­league slid into an oven. The…


African art: One London museum’s agreement to return colonial artefacts could open the … — iNews

In April 1897, Fred­er­ick Horn­i­man, at the time Britain’s wealth­i­est tea trad­er and an avid col­lec­tor, was offered an oppor­tu­ni­ty he could not refuse. Through “estab­lished com­mer­cial sources and pri­vate col­lec­tions” he acquired 12 items of what was referred to as “Benin mate­r­i­al” for the mod­est sum of £30. Horn­i­man, a Quak­er whose par­ents had been part of the anti-slav­ery move­ment and who as a Lib­er­al MP cam­paigned for what became the wel­fare state, had become almost cer­tain­ly the first per­son in Britain to pur­chase items stolen bare­ly weeks ear­li­er from Benin City in an 18-day ram­page by 5,000 British troops sent to sack one of West Africa’s fore­most civil­i­sa­tions. Upon its return to the UK, the booty from the open­ly puni­tive raid was sold, both offi­cial­ly by the For­eign Office to recov­er the cost of the mil­i­tary oper­a­tion, and unof­fi­cial­ly by the troops them­selves, a num­ber of whom had been suf­fi­cient­ly com­fort­able with their loot­ing in present-day Nige­ria to be pho­tographed beside their hauls. Gen­tle­man afi­ciona­dos such as Horn­i­man would have been the sub­ject of many offers from these “pri­vate col­lec­tions” and in the next two years, the tea trad­er con­tin­ued to acquire 60 more objects emp­tied from the Benin citadel, among them orna­men­tal plaques telling sto­ries of trib­al his­to­ry and a key to the palace of the Oba, or king. Worth mil­lions but acquired for the equiv­a­lent of a few thou­sand pounds of mod­ern mon­ey, these “Benin bronzes” were put on dis­play among thou­sands of oth­er arte­facts in Horniman’s pala­tial home in the plush south Lon­don sub­urb of For­est Hill. Short­ly after 1901 a pur­pose-built muse­um on the site was bequeathed by the mag­nate to the then Lon­don Coun­ty Coun­cil for the “recre­ation, instruc­tion and enjoy­ment” of the capital’s pop­u­lace. Horniman’s goal, as he saw it, of “bring­ing the world” to a sub­ur­ban cor­ner of the British empire’s cap­i­tal was com­plete. A cen­tu­ry or so lat­er, the museum’s trustees, required to over­see and shape Horniman’s increas­ing­ly thorny lega­cy, this week record­ed anoth­er first in his name. More on British Muse­u­mAfter a two-year process of con­sul­ta­tion and eval­u­a­tion, it was announced that the 72 Benin bronzes are to be returned to Nige­ria, mak­ing the Horn­i­man the first major muse­um direct­ly fund­ed by the Depart­ment for Cul­ture, Media and Sport to under­take such a large-scale act of resti­tu­tion of colo­nial-era plun­der. The pledge to return the items was made all the more sig­nif­i­cant by the unvar­nished recog­ni­tion of wrong­do­ing that accom­pa­nied it. Eve Salomon, chair of the Horniman’s trustees said: “The evi­dence is very clear that these objects were acquired through force… It is both moral and appro­pri­ate to return their own­er­ship to Nige­ria.” Oth­er British insti­tu­tions have pre­vi­ous­ly under­tak­en small­er returns of Benin arte­facts, led by Aberdeen Uni­ver­si­ty and Jesus Col­lege, Cam­bridge last year. But there is a grow­ing view that the Horn­i­man Museum’s deci­sion – along­side a sim­i­lar announce­ment last week by Oxford and Cam­bridge uni­ver­si­ties to seek the return of 200 items to Nige­ria – is a water­shed moment in a resti­tu­tion cam­paign which has seen the slow ero­sion of a decades-long refusal by cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions (the UK hold­ings of Benin bronzes are held by 150 sep­a­rate bod­ies) to con­tem­plate the sur­ren­der of ill-got­ten gains. It is a fact which bears rep­e­ti­tion that near­ly 90 per cent of major African works of art and arte­facts are held out­side Africa, most of them in Europe.


The Guardian view on the US in Africa: a better tone, but what next? | Editorial

https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/e33f34adc2db53618201f68a8fc28f980f4a440f/0_0_4666_2800/master/4666.jpg?width=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=ca2095dc531941420cb3a2dd6b3d8489 The Guardian view on the US in Africa: a bet­ter tone, but what next? Edi­to­r­i­al Though the sec­re­tary of state struck the right note on his three-nation tour, it will take more than rhetoric to strength­en part­ner­ships on the con­ti­nent The only way was up. When Don­ald Trump wasn’t den­i­grat­ing “shit­hole coun­tries”, his admin­is­tra­tion showed…


The New U.S. Africa Strategy Breaks From the Status Quo-With Some Perplexing Stumbles

On Mon­day, U.S. Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken intro­duced the Biden administration’s much-await­­ed strat­e­gy for Africa. Speak­ing in South Africa, dur­ing his sec­ond trip to the con­ti­nent in less than a year, Blinken out­lined the pol­i­cy against a back­drop of the pan­dem­ic, the war in Ukraine, and a glob­al eco­nom­ic slow­down. Although some­what com­pa­ra­ble to…


When to fist bump an autocrat

James Snell is a wide­ly pub­lished writer and a senior advi­sor on Spe­cial Ini­tia­tives at the New Lines Insti­tute. Just last month, there stood Unit­ed States Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, fist bump­ing Sau­di Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who the U.S. intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty says approved the mur­der of jour­nal­ist Jamal Khashog­gi in 2018. It wasn’t a…


Blinken makes case for democracy at start of sub-Saharan Africa tour

https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/8d840f5e98a75550b5a8ab77b723a7a9a45115e7/0_0_3305_1984/master/3305.jpg?width=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=67135cc83176d0170e6328e6de576b5e Blinken makes case for democ­ra­cy at start of sub-Saha­ran Africa tour Sec­re­tary of state tells reporters in South Africa that US ‘not try­ing to out­do any­one’ amid grow­ing influ­ence of Rus­sia and Chi­na  Antony Blinken, the US sec­re­tary of state, has appealed to “gov­ern­ments, com­mu­ni­ties and peo­ples” across Africa to embrace Washington’s vision of democracy,…


Chad’s Military Junta and Rebels Sign a Deal, but a Main Player Is Missing

https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/08/08/world/08chad/08chad-moth.jpg The accord paves the way for nation­al rec­on­cil­i­a­tion talks and demo­c­ra­t­ic elec­tions. How­ev­er, it was snubbed by the main rebel group respon­si­ble for the death of Chad’s pre­vi­ous leader. DAKAR, Sene­gal — Chad’s mil­i­tary gov­ern­ment and more than 40 rebel groups signed a cease-fire agree­ment on Mon­day in Qatar, paving the way for reconciliation…


What America’s Great Unwinding Would Mean for the World

https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/KLrn-M7_lNEjMtivnv7JMDGAxTU=/960x540/media/img/mt/2022/07/End_of_America/original.jpg A pecu­liar cog­ni­tive dis­so­nance seems to have tak­en hold in the world. The West­ern response to Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine—led and propped up by the Unit­ed States—has remind­ed the world that the inter­na­tion­al order is, if any­thing, more depen­dent on Amer­i­can mil­i­tary, eco­nom­ic, and finan­cial might now than only a few years ago. Yet…


In the Kenyan Election, a Fierce Battle to Lead an African Powerhouse

https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/08/04/world/00kenya-election-promo/00kenya-election-promo-moth.jpg Kenyans vote for a new pres­i­dent on Tues­day, end­ing a heat­ed race that shows why, in a trou­bled region, the East African nation mat­ters more than ever. KANGARI, Kenya — The heli­copter swooped over the lush tea and cof­fee fields flank­ing Mount Kenya, Africa’s sec­ond high­est peak, and touched down out­side a small high­land town…
