The Queen of the World‑1/original.jpgQueen Eliz­a­beth II’s longevi­ty alone places her in the pan­theon of roy­al greats. At the time of her death, at Bal­moral Cas­tle today, she had served 70 years as Queen—the longest of any sov­er­eign in the Eng­lish monarchy’s 1,000-year his­to­ry. But it is not sim­ply her longevi­ty that marks her for great­ness, but her ability…


Putin’s attack on democracy is working. Just look at Europe.

Putin’s attack on democ­ra­cy is work­ing. Just look at Europe. As win­ter approach­es, cracks in the West’s sup­port for Ukraine are start­ing to show. By Matthew Kar­nitschnig Illus­tra­tion by Ann Kier­nan for POLITICO BERLIN — It was a scene that has played out on city squares across Europe for months: jar­ring eye­wit­ness accounts of the war…


Kenya’s Supreme Court Upholds Presidential Election Results a sweep­ing rejec­tion of claims that the Aug. 9 vote had been rigged, the court con­firmed Vice Pres­i­dent William Ruto as the country’s fifth pres­i­dent. NAIROBI, Kenya — The Supreme Court of Kenya on Mon­day upheld the elec­tion of William Ruto as pres­i­dent, end­ing an acri­mo­nious court­room bat­tle over dis­put­ed results from the Aug.…


Ambassador Diallo names the African nation that can reach final of 2022 World Cup

African cham­pi­ons Sene­gal have been tipped to reach the final of the 2022 World Cup com­ing up in QatarSene­gal’s Ambas­sador to Qatar Dr Mohammed Dial­lo is of the view that his coun­try can reach the final­Sa­dio Mane and his team­mates are in Group A and will be fac­ing Qatar, Ecuador and the Nether­lands­Dr Mohammed Dial­lo who is the Ambas­sador of Sene­gal to Qatar has stat­ed emphat­i­cal­ly that his nation can reach the final of the 2022 World Cup con­sid­er­ing their sta­tus as African champions.Bayern Munich strik­er Sadio Mane will be lead­ing his oth­er team­mates in the Sene­galese nation­al team to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar which will be start­ing on 20 November.There is no doubt about the fact that the Sene­galese nation­al team are one of the strongest in the world going by the play­ers they parade in the first team.Read alsoBanyana Banyana looks to rebound quick­ly after Brazil­ian real­i­ty check­Am­bas­sador Dial­lo tips Sene­gal to reach final of 2022 World Cup.
Pho­to by Ayman Aref­Source: Get­ty Ima­gesIn the his­to­ry of the FIFA World Cup, no African nation has ever reached the final, but Dr Mohammed Dial­lo believes Sene­gal can break the record accord­ing to the reports on Com­plete Sports and Penisular.Exciting fea­ture: Check out news exact­ly for YOU ➡️ find “Rec­om­mend­ed for you” block and enjoy!Dr Mohammed Dial­lo’s reac­tion about Sene­gal’s cam­paign for 2022 World Cup“I’m hon­oured as a Sene­galese to be part of this his­toric World Cup which is held in the Mid­dle East for the first time.“Like every Sene­galese fan, I hope my nation­al team will progress far into the tour­na­ment and per­haps even play in the semi-final and final. We are African cham­pi­ons and it isn’t impos­si­ble con­sid­er­ing our players.“The Sene­galese fans in Qatar and those com­ing from abroad for the World Cup, of which we expect at least 3,000, have been antic­i­pat­ing this event with eager­ness. They’ll be the 12th Lion.”Read also1998 World Cup win­ner believes Ghana can reach the final in Qatar 2022Ghana’s Black Galax­ies beat Nigeria’s Super Eagles Team B to CHAN tick­et on penaltiesEar­li­er, Sports Brief had report­ed how Black Galax­ies of Ghana have secured qual­i­fi­ca­tion for the Africa Nations Cham­pi­onship (CHAN) to be held in Alge­ria next year. Hav­ing won the first leg 2–0 in Kumasi, Ghana head­ed for the reverse fix­ture at the Mos­hood Abi­o­la Sta­di­um, know­ing that a draw will do. How­ev­er, the Super Eagles B put up a hard-fight­ing per­for­mance with goals from Zulk­i­filu Mohammed in the 76th minute and Chi­jioke Akune­to in the 94th minute send­ing the game into a penal­ty shootout where Ghana edged Nige­ria 5–4. Ghana return to CHAN, hav­ing missed the last three edi­tions of the tour­na­ment, while Nige­ria miss the com­pe­ti­tion back-to-back. Source: Sports Brief News


Twitter announces tweet editing capabilities

This sto­ry, plus Google and YouTube release their plans to com­bat mis­in­for­ma­tion ahead of the 2022 U.S. midterms, RT is attract­ing a new audi­ence and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Sep 1, 2022 Sep 1, 2022 Sep 1, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment Sep 1, 2022 Sep 1, 2022 Media Ethics Sep 1, 2022 About Mis­in­for­ma­tion Sep 2, 2022 Sep…


Kenya Awaits Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Election‑1/02kenya-1-moth.jpg The Supreme Court is expect­ed to rule by Mon­day on whether the recent elec­tion of William Ruto as pres­i­dent, now mired in a wel­ter of con­flict­ing accu­sa­tions, should stand. NAIROBI, Kenya — With its hefty price tag and sophis­ti­cat­ed anti-rig­ging mea­sures, Kenya’s recent pres­i­den­tial elec­tion was sup­posed to be among the best that money…


African nations eye debt-for-climate swaps as IMF takes an interest

Cli­mate vul­ner­a­ble nations in Africa are show­ing grow­ing inter­est in debt-for-cli­mate swaps to address bal­loon­ing debt and spur cli­mate invest­ments. Increas­ing­ly, they have the ear of finan­cial institutions.Today, 58% of the world’s poor­est coun­tries are in debt dis­tress or at high risk of it. In sub-Saha­ran Africa, Covid-19 has squeezed bud­gets and pushed aver­age debt lev­els above 60% of GDP.
Helene Gichen­je is the Commonwealth’s region­al cli­mate finance advis­er for Africa. Russia’s war in Ukraine and ris­ing glob­al infla­tion “are like­ly to sig­nif­i­cant­ly wors­en the debt cri­sis,” she said at Africa Cli­mate Week in Gabon on Wednesday.
High lev­els of debt repay­ments and a shrink­ing fis­cal space have pre­vent­ed much-need­ed invest­ments in cli­mate resilience, Gichen­je said. And cli­mate vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty is dri­ving up the cost of access­ing capital.
“There is dan­ger that the vul­ner­a­ble devel­op­ing coun­tries will enter a vicious cycle,” she said.
The IMF, the Green Cli­mate Fund and the African Devel­op­ment Bank increas­ing­ly sup­port debt-for-cli­mate swaps as a solution.
Nige­ria plans gas-led tran­si­tion to full ener­gy access and net zero emissions
Debt swaps mean that instead of mak­ing pay­ments to cred­i­tors on out­stand­ing loans, debtor coun­tries can use that mon­ey in local cur­ren­cy to invest in cli­mate projects under terms agreed with creditors.
This form of debt relief has been around for 30 years but hasn’t seen much use. Despite some pos­i­tive exam­ples, includ­ing a debt-for-nature swap in the Sey­chelles, the IMF esti­mates that only up to $4bn worth of debt has been for­giv­en under swap programmes.
Fis­cal space
Cabo Verde, Eswa­ti­ni and Kenya are among nations look­ing into how to make debt-for-cli­mate swaps work for them.
“Debt swaps could be a good instru­ment to give us space in our bud­get for new invest­ments in renew­able ener­gy and the blue and green econ­o­my,” Soeli San­tos, trea­sury direc­tor at Cabo Verde’s min­istry of finance, told the event.
In exchange for par­tial debt for­give­ness, Cabo Verde would, for exam­ple, meet some of the com­mit­ments made in its 2030 cli­mate plan, San­tos said.
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The prin­ci­ple gen­er­at­ed sig­nif­i­cant inter­est dur­ing a meet­ing of African cli­mate experts in Ethiopia last month as part of dis­cus­sion on cli­mate finance.
The Egypt­ian Cop27 pres­i­den­cy is con­sid­er­ing launch­ing a debt swap frame­work at the cli­mate sum­mit in November.
And a num­ber of finan­cial insti­tu­tions have start­ed to explore how to scale up the relief swaps can provide.
IMF guidance
Last month, an IMF work­ing paper, co-authored by the fund’s deputy chief in the debt depart­ment, con­clud­ed that, in some cir­cum­stances, debt-for-cli­mate swaps made eco­nom­ic sense.
“There is a space for debt-for-cli­mate swaps in the broad­er cli­mate finance toolk­it,” said IMF senior econ­o­mist Vimal Thakoor. “In many coun­tries, grants are not forth­com­ing nec­es­sar­i­ly and debt relief is not nec­es­sar­i­ly on the table either.”
How­ev­er, in coun­tries with high lev­els of debt dis­tress, swaps should not replace broad­er debt restruc­tur­ing pro­grammes, the paper argues.
Scal­ing up debt swaps requires bring­ing on board a large pool of pri­vate and offi­cial coun­try cred­i­tors. That is no small task but some­thing cred­i­tors might be will­ing to do to sup­port cli­mate goals, it added.
G20 Bali meet­ing high­lights Indonesia’s weak cli­mate action
Although the paper hasn’t been endorsed by the IMF’s board and man­age­ment, Paul Steele, chief econ­o­mist at the Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Envi­ron­ment and Devel­op­ment (IIED), told Cli­mate Home it could be “poten­tial­ly game-chang­ing” should it gain polit­i­cal backing.
“The IMF has the cred­i­bil­i­ty and the most lever­age to bring togeth­er cred­i­tors in a way that would allow them to take for­ward this kind of inter­na­tion­al ini­tia­tive,” he said. “An inter­na­tion­al ini­tia­tive on debt swaps for cli­mate and nature out­comes at Cop27 could break the log­jam on cli­mate finance.”
The IMF is not alone in explor­ing options to move this forward.
Andrey Chicherin, head of inno­va­tion and tech­nol­o­gy trans­fer at the Green Cli­mate Fund, told the meet­ing that the fund could act as an inter­me­di­ary in debt swaps by design­ing adap­ta­tion and car­bon-cut­ting pro­grammes and ensure their deliv­ery against the fund’s ver­i­fi­ca­tion sys­tems and safeguards.
The African Devel­op­ment Bank is final­is­ing a fea­si­bil­i­ty study on scal­ing up debt-for-cli­mate and nature swaps in Africa. This is to inform advice to nations on debt relief options.
