Senate Judiciary Committee advances Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

This sto­ry, plus tech com­pa­nies and media out­lets nego­ti­ate deals over news con­tent, new study from Pew Research Cen­ter look­ing at the char­ac­ter­is­tics of top-ranked pod­casts and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Jun 15, 2023Senate Judi­cia­ry Com­mit­tee advances jour­nal­ism bill to bol­ster news­pa­pers, TV sta­tions despite Face­book threat Ted John­son / Deadline […]…


Int’l Day of the African Child: ‘The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow’

The Inter­na­tion­al Day of the African Child is cel­e­brat­ed every year on June 16 with a theme based on the views of chil­dren col­lect­ed from var­i­ous con­sul­ta­tions with chil­dren them­selves. It was insti­tut­ed in 1991 and aims to cel­e­brate chil­dren of Africa and pro­mote their rights, as well as encour­age reflec­tion and action towards addressing…


Sickle Cell: The Enemy Within — BBC Africa Eye documentary

At just six months of age, Lea Kilen­ga Bey was diag­nosed with sick­le cell. Her par­ents were told by doc­tors that she wouldn’t reach her teenage years.  Instead, Lea has become a bea­con of hope for sick­le cell suf­fer­ers across Africa, bat­tling both the stig­mas sur­round­ing the dis­ease and the author­i­ties who fail to provide…


Uganda Anti-Gay Law Met with Condemnation from US, UN

On June 1, Pres­i­dent Yow­eri Musev­eni, the auto­crat­ic and long-serv­ing leader of the African nation of Ugan­da, signed what is con­sid­ered one of the harsh­est anti-LGBTQ laws glob­al­ly. Some of the pun­ish­ments in the new law for Uganda’s found break­ing the law include a 20-year sen­tence, and cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment for repeat offend­ers and oth­er individuals…


How do UK visa changes affect foreign students? — BBC Africa

In May 2023, the UK gov­ern­ment has announced plans to scrap depen­dent visas for many for­eign stu­dents.  The new rule comes as migra­tion to the UK hit a record high of 606,000 last year.  BBC Africa explains why is Nige­ria one of the main tar­gets of the clam­p­down.  Pre­sent­ed by Ani­ta Nkonge Pro­duced by Mau­reen Nyukuri …
