William Ruto ‘confident’ in police deploying to Haiti — BBC Africa

The Kenya gov­ern­ment will send close to 1,000 peace­keep­ing police offi­cers under a UN mis­sion to Haiti, aimed at help­ing the coun­try’s tran­si­tion­al author­i­ties restore order. For weeks, gangs in Haiti had been car­ry­ing out dead­ly co-ordi­­nat­ed attacks, demand­ing the res­ig­na­tion of the then Prime Min­is­ter Ariel Hen­ry. He agreed to step down in March.…


US has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence election, says Blinken

https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/17068f05957a701008159c09131b19f4d157e866/244_0_2404_1442/master/2404.jpg?width=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=7b677797f2630ebdf137add687b2a52eSec­re­tary of state met Xi Jin­ping in Bei­jing and warned of sanc­tions over China’s sup­port for Russ­ian arms indus­try Wash­ing­ton has seen evi­dence of attempts by Bei­jing to “influ­ence and arguably inter­fere” in this year’s US elec­tions, the sec­re­tary of state has said dur­ing a trip to Chi­na, also warn­ing that Chi­nese com­pa­nies face new…


Chuck Schumer lauds Senate’s ‘greatest achievement in years’ as foreign aid bill passes – video

https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/e21a651b2921099f653c7241d8511c76673afcc5/60_0_1800_1080/master/1800.jpg?width=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=3dbf6a9bc0786fe8b4798629f4790975The US Sen­ate has vot­ed resound­ing­ly by 79 to 18 to approve $95bn in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Tai­wan, as a bipar­ti­san super-major­i­­ty unit­ed to send the long-stalled pack­age to Joe Biden’s desk for sig­na­ture. The bill was approved after pro­ceed­ings that were hailed by the Sen­ate major­i­ty leader, Chuck Schumer, as ‘one of…


‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right

https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/8b95ad310629a54ebee28d0c2a65dfd4caaaff59/1_0_2998_1800/master/2998.jpg?width=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=89ad15768ed224dd410b042a8702c762Richard Grenell’s shad­ow for­eign pol­i­cy cam­paign is unset­tling diplo­mats and threat­ens to col­lapse US inter­ests For Don­ald Trump, he is “my envoy”, the man appar­ent­ly anoint­ed as the for­mer US president’s rov­ing ambas­sador while he plots a return to the White House. To crit­ics, he is seen as “an online pest” and “a nation­al disgrace” –…
