Figure of the week: Africa’s visa openness continues to improve COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has sub­stan­tial­ly reduced cross-bor­der trav­el as coun­tries place restric­tions on move­ment to man­age the health cri­sis. How­ev­er, the costs of these restric­tions are clear, with impacts on the glob­al econ­o­my, sup­ply chains, and indus­tries such as tourism

Cameroon Condemns Separatists for Abducting Village Chiefs–12/2020–12–06T122730Z_528880289_RC2OHK9E3IIZ_RTRMADP_3_CAMEROON-ELECTION.JPG?imwidth=800YAOUNDE — There has been wide­spread con­dem­na­tion of sep­a­ratists in Cameroon for a string of attacks and abduc­tions of tra­di­tion­al vil­lage chiefs. Anglo­phone rebels released two chiefs on Mon­day but killed anoth­er for defy­ing their demand not to par­tic­i­pate in

Unpacking the misconceptions about Africa’s food imports­ran Africa’s spi­ral­ing food import bill—which stood at $43 bil­lion in 2019—has attract­ed mount­ing atten­tion as a wor­ri­some trend. For years, many pun­dits have won­dered why Africa seems increas­ing­ly unable to feed itself, despite hav­ing much of the world’s remaining

Hundreds Of Nigerian Students Missing After Attack On School LAGOS, Nige­ria (AP) — Hun­dreds of Niger­ian stu­dents are miss­ing after gun­men attacked a sec­ondary school in the country’s north­west­ern Katsi­na state, police said, while the pres­i­dent said the mil­i­tary was in gun­fights with ban­dits in a for­est as
