How easy is to travel to another African country? Focus On Africa Podcast

Nige­ria air strikes: Tudun­biri vil­lage con­tin­ues to mourn dozens of deaths and cope with injuries one year lat­er on We look at the impact of mer­cury poi­son­ing caused by ille­gal min­ing in south­west­ern Ghana And how easy is it for you to trav­el to anoth­er African coun­try? 00:01 Intro 00:56 The tragedy of Tudun­biri, a year on, 08:22…


Joe Biden addresses America’s ‘original sin’ of slavery on Angola visit pres­i­dent remem­bers ‘stolen men and women and chil­dren brought to our shores’ and lauds Amer­i­can invest­ment in coun­try Joe Biden addressed America’s his­to­ry of enslave­ment in a speech on Tues­day at Angola’s Nation­al Muse­um of Slav­ery, call­ing it “our nation’s orig­i­nal sin” dur­ing a trip in which he also laud­ed recent US invest­ment in…


US urges Zimbabwe to double down on reforms–47ef-929e-1450d106c101_w800_h450.jpegHarare, ZIMBABWE — The Unit­ed States is urg­ing the Zim­bab­we gov­ern­ment to dou­ble down on reforms aimed at return­ing the coun­try to the pros­per­i­ty it once enjoyed. Speak­ing to reporters in Harare on Mon­day, Pamela Tremont, the U.S. ambas­sador to Zim­bab­we, said her coun­try wants to have cor­dial rela­tions with the south­ern African nation. She urged…
