Why the World Isn’t Really United Against Russia

https://foreignpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/league-of-nations-geneva-GettyImages-1181884806.jpg As Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin’s army reduced one Ukrain­ian city after anoth­er to rub­ble, crush­ing civil­ians caught in apart­ment blocks and shop­ping malls under a rain of artillery and mis­sile fire, many observers in the rich world bemoaned the dys­func­tion of the Unit­ed Nations for not being able to over­come an obsta­cle writ­ten into…


A Door-to-Door Effort to Find Out Who Died Helps Low-Income Countries Aid the Living

https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/04/19/science/00sci-sierra-leone-death1/merlin_203167641_4b85b769-4743–4029–9a6d-4ded6abc9af1-moth.jpg Many devel­op­ing coun­tries don’t keep offi­cial death records. A nov­el effort uses “elec­tron­ic autop­sies” to count deaths, and record their cause. FUNKOYA, Sier­ra Leone — Augus­tine Alpha begins gen­tly. “Who lives in this home?” he asks the young man, who has come in from the fields to answer his ques­tions. Your name? Age? Reli­gion? Marital…


Meet the African women reviving traditional religions — BBC Africa

Africa is rich with a vari­ety of tra­di­tion­al reli­gions and spir­i­tu­al belief sys­tems. How­ev­er dur­ing the colo­nial peri­od mis­sion­ar­ies spread Chris­tian­i­ty through­out the con­ti­nent, and sup­pressed many of these pre-exist­ing belief sys­tems. Africans con­tin­ued to fol­low their tra­di­tion­al belief, in small­er num­bers than before, and these faiths still exist today. Younger African peo­ple, par­tic­u­lar­ly women, have…


After Cameroonians in the US Get TPS, A look Beyond the News

DENVER, USA — (AFRICA NEWS MATTERS) News that an esti­mat­ed 40,000 Cameroo­ni­ans liv­ing in the Unit­ed States may qual­i­fy for Tem­po­rary Pro­tect­ed Sta­tus or TPS rock­et­ed to the top of the charts in the past week.  There are sev­er­al key dimen­sions to this sto­ry — not just the fact that the Cameroon­ian ben­e­fi­cia­ries who are fleeing…


Second Global COVID-19 Summit to Be Held May 12 

https://gdb.voanews.com/03a90000-0aff-0242-f82f-08da21623727_w800_h450.jpg Wash­ing­ton —  The White House has announced the Unit­ed States will co-host the sec­ond glob­al COVID-19 sum­mit vir­tu­al­ly on May 12 to dis­cuss increas­ing efforts to end the pan­dem­ic inter­na­tion­al­ly and pre­pare for future vari­ants of the coro­n­avirus. “The emer­gence and spread of new vari­ants, like omi­cron, have rein­forced the need for a strategy…


China’s Costly Exceptionalism

https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/urNF-dQhArtBiYTCrnthpDT3SXY=/960x540/media/img/mt/2022/04/GettyImages_1389441715/original.jpg Amer­i­ca has long thought itself excep­tion­al, a blessed place des­tined to bring free­dom to the world. Chi­na has an even longer his­to­ry of self-pro­­claimed excep­tion­al­ism and, spurred by its many mod­ern achieve­ments, is more assertive­ly pro­mot­ing its brand of gov­er­nance as a mod­el for the world. The widen­ing con­fronta­tion between the Unit­ed States and…


Russia Flounders in Ukraine but Doubles Down in Mali

https://foreignpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Mali-Russia-Vladimir-Putin-France-Withdrawal-GettyImages-1238621287.jpg A man sits near a por­trait of Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin dur­ing a demon­stra­tion in Bamako, Mali, on Feb. 19, cel­e­brat­ing France’s announce­ment that it will with­draw its troops from the coun­try. FLORENT VERGNES/AFP via Get­ty Images On March 30, as Russ­ian forces con­tin­ued their strug­gle to con­quer Ukrain­ian cities, Russ­ian arms sup­pli­ers delivered…


The Dangers of China’s Decline

https://foreignpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/china-decline-deena-so-oteh-illustration.jpg Decline is a tricky con­cept. The term makes us think of a coun­try that is falling like a rock—one whose pow­er and capa­bil­i­ties are drop­ping across the board. But a coun­try can be in rel­a­tive decline vis-à-vis a fast-grow­ing adver­sary even if its own pow­er is still increas­ing. It can be surg­ing for­ward in…
