CNN to cut back on use of “breaking news” banner

This sto­ry, plus Gan­nett announces strate­gic reor­ga­ni­za­tion, Tomi Lahren to join con­ser­v­a­tive media out­let Out­Kick as a host and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Jun 2, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Media Busi­ness Jun 3, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment Jun 2, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Social Media Jun 2, 2022 Media Ethics Jun 2, 2022 Jun…


W.H.O Predicts Steep Drop in Covid Deaths in Africa in 2022 The World Health Orga­ni­za­tion expects the num­ber of Covid-19 deaths in its Africa region to fall sharply this year, com­pared with 2021, the agency said on Thurs­day. The pre­dic­tion was a hope­ful one for the world’s least vac­ci­nat­ed con­ti­nent, though it reflect­ed a vast under­count­ing of past coro­n­avirus infec­tions and deaths in offi­cial tallies.…


Will France’s Africa Policy Hold Up?

Sum­ma­ry Dur­ing his first term, French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron sought to revi­tal­ize his country’s diplo­mat­ic out­reach to coun­tries through­out Africa. Some aspects of this piv­ot were designed to more direct­ly address the lega­cy of French colo­nial­ism in Fran­coph­o­ne coun­tries. He also sensed that the grow­ing stature of non-West­­ern pow­ers like Chi­na has giv­en African counterparts…


UK Plan to Deport Asylum Seekers to Rwanda Considered “Cruel”

Fol­low­ing a recent agree­ment signed between the British and Rwan­dan gov­ern­ments on asy­lum seek­ers in the Unit­ed King­dom, sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al aid agen­cies report that some asy­lum seek­ers in the UK have gone into hid­ing for fear of being sent to Rwan­da. Under the agree­ment, peo­ple sus­pect­ed of ille­gal­ly enter­ing the UK would be flown to…


But CAN the United States defend Taiwan? Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has yet again stat­ed that if Chi­na attacked Tai­wan to reuni­fy what Bei­jing sees as a rene­gade province with the main­land, the Unit­ed States would come to Taiwan’s mil­i­tary defense. White House staff has again fol­lowed up these off-the-cuff pres­i­den­tial com­ments with a “clar­i­fi­ca­tion” that in fact, strate­gic ambi­gu­i­ty remains American…


The CFA franc zone: Economic development and the post-COVID recovery The CFA franc zone, which encom­pass­es 14 coun­tries in fran­coph­o­ne West and Cen­tral Africa bond­ed by French colo­nial her­itage and com­mon cur­ren­cy, is falling behind most devel­op­ing coun­tries in terms of per capi­ta growth, pri­vate sec­tor com­pet­i­tive­ness, gov­er­nance, human devel­op­ment, and pover­ty reduc­tion. Such chal­lenges have been exac­er­bat­ed by recent increased exter­nal shocks such…


Marshall plan: US aid to rebuild postwar Europe – archive, 1947 Mar­shall plan: US aid to rebuild post­war Europe – archive, 1947 On 5 June 1947, sec­re­tary of state George Mar­shall put for­ward the idea of a Euro­pean eco­nom­ic recov­ery plan to be financed by the US. See how the Guardian and Observ­er report­ed events Bet­ter use of US aid to Europe: “unite to plan…


How Russia’s Wagner Group Is Expanding in Africa‑1/00wagner-explainer-1-moth.jpg Best known for its mer­ce­nar­ies, the Wag­n­er Group also mines dia­monds, spreads dis­in­for­ma­tion and props up auto­crats in an effort to grow Russia’s foot­print. Mer­ce­nar­ies are enjoy­ing a resur­gence in Africa, hired to fight in some of the continent’s most intractable con­flicts. Per­haps the most famous out­fit is the Wag­n­er Group, a neb­u­lous network…


In Mali, a Massacre With a Russian Footprint

BAMAKO, Mali — On the last Sun­day in March before Ramadan, thou­sands of mer­chants and vil­lagers filled the mar­ket of Moura, in cen­tral Mali, trad­ing cat­tle in a vast pen and stock­ing up on spices and veg­eta­bles in the town’s sandy alleys. Sud­den­ly, five low-fly­­ing heli­copters thrummed over­head, some fir­ing weapons and draw­ing gun­fire in…
