South Africa’s Ramaphosa and US’s Biden to meet amid Russian war — Al Jazeera

Biden and Ramaphosa, who spoke by phone in April, are expect­ed to focus their talks on trade and invest­ment, infra­struc­ture, cli­mate and ener­gy, among oth­er issues.South African Pres­i­dent Cyril Ramaphosa and Unit­ed States Pres­i­dent Joe Biden will meet on Sep­tem­ber 16, the White House has announced.
Thursday’s announce­ment comes as the admin­is­tra­tion looks to draw African nations clos­er to the US at a time when South Africa and many of its neigh­bours have staked out neu­tral ground on Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine.
Last month, US Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken said the Biden admin­is­tra­tion sees Africa’s 54 nations as “equal part­ners” in tack­ling glob­al prob­lems, dur­ing a vis­it to South Africa.
But the admin­is­tra­tion has been dis­ap­point­ed that South Africa and much of the con­ti­nent have declined to fol­low the US in con­demn­ing the Russ­ian inva­sion of Ukraine.
South Africa abstained in a Unit­ed Nations vote to con­demn Russia’s action, and Ramaphosa has avoid­ed any crit­i­cism of Rus­sia and has instead called for a medi­at­ed peace.
Biden and Ramaphosa, who spoke by phone in April, are expect­ed to focus their talks on trade and invest­ment, infra­struc­ture, cli­mate and ener­gy, pub­lic health and South Africa’s lead­ing role on the con­ti­nent, offi­cials said.
“The two Pres­i­dents will reaf­firm the impor­tance of our endur­ing part­ner­ship, and dis­cuss our work togeth­er to address region­al and glob­al chal­lenges,” White House press sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a state­ment announc­ing this month’s meeting.
Biden also plans to host a US-Africa lead­ers’ sum­mit in December.
Dur­ing the Blinken vis­it, for­eign min­is­ter Nale­di Pan­dor main­tained South Africa’s neu­tral­i­ty in the Ukraine war. In a press brief­ing fol­low­ing the meet­ing, Pan­dor accused the US and oth­er West­ern pow­ers of focus­ing on the Ukraine con­flict to the detri­ment of oth­er inter­na­tion­al issues.
“We should be equal­ly con­cerned at what is hap­pen­ing to the peo­ple of Pales­tine, as we are with what is hap­pen­ing to the peo­ple of Ukraine,” she said.
Blinken, for his part, under­scored that Russia’s block­ade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports has led to scarci­ties in grain, cook­ing oil and fer­tilis­er — an issue that has had dis­pro­por­tion­ate effects on Africans.
“The US is there for African coun­tries in this unprece­dent­ed cri­sis, because that’s what part­ners do for each oth­er,” Blinken said. “The Unit­ed States will not dic­tate Africa’s choic­es, and nei­ther should any­one else. The right to make these choic­es belongs to Africans, and Africans alone.”
South Africa’s neu­tral posi­tion is large­ly because of the sup­port the Sovi­et Union gave dur­ing the Cold War era to Ramaphosa’s African Nation­al Con­gress in its fight to end apartheid – South Africa’s regime of repres­sion against the Black major­i­ty that end­ed in 1994. South Africa is seen as a leader of sev­er­al African coun­tries that will not side against Russia.
The Biden meet­ing will come at a crit­i­cal time for Ramaphosa, who is fac­ing crit­i­cism from oppo­si­tion par­ties and from with­in his own par­ty for a scan­dal over rev­e­la­tions that $4m was stolen from his cat­tle ranch.
He has been grilled this week by mem­bers of par­lia­ment about whether the for­eign cash had been prop­er­ly reg­is­tered with South Africa’s finan­cial author­i­ties and why he did not imme­di­ate­ly report the theft. The scan­dal has dam­aged Ramaphosa’s rep­u­ta­tion as a leader com­mit­ted to bat­tling his nation’s ram­pant corruption.
Ramaphosa faces sig­nif­i­cant oppo­si­tion in his efforts to be re-elect­ed as the leader of his par­ty at a con­fer­ence in Decem­ber. If he fails to win the par­ty lead­er­ship he will not be able to stand for re-elec­tion as South Africa’s pres­i­dent in 2024.
South Africa’s econ­o­my has been in reces­sion since even before the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and a third of the coun­try is unem­ployed, so Ramaphosa would wel­come any announce­ment of eco­nom­ic sup­port from the US.
Dur­ing Blinken’s vis­it to South Africa last month, he praised South Africa and Ramaphosa for achiev­ing a mul­ti-racial democ­ra­cy after years of white minor­i­ty rule. He also used the vis­it to for­mal­ly launch a new US strat­e­gy towards sub-Saha­ran Africa.


Why the US is re-engaging with Africa — Financial Times

Don­ald Trump thought it was full of “shit­holes” and coun­tries with names such as “Nam­bia”. Barack Oba­ma, for all his elo­quence and fam­i­ly ties to Kenya, was under­whelm­ing when it came to defin­ing a prac­ti­cal strat­e­gy towards Africa — a con­ti­nent that always slipped behind oth­er regions in the list of pri­or­i­ties. You have to go back to George W Bush, par­tic­u­lar­ly his prin­ci­pled stance in fight­ing the Aids epi­dem­ic, or Bill Clin­ton, with his Africa Growth and Oppor­tu­ni­ty Act, a pref­er­en­tial trade pact, for an Amer­i­can leader with a com­pelling offer­ing. If the US has been rel­a­tive­ly low key, oth­ers have not. Since the turn of the cen­tu­ry, Chi­na has moved from a bit-part play­er to the main investor and trad­ing part­ner for many coun­tries from Ango­la to Ethiopia. Much of the infra­struc­ture that has sprung up across the con­ti­nent has been built by Chi­nese com­pa­nies. Out­side the extrac­tive indus­tries, Amer­i­can com­pa­nies have been slow­er to see com­mer­cial oppor­tu­ni­ties than those from emerg­ing nations such as Turkey and India. More recent­ly, Rus­sia has pur­sued a cut-price diplo­ma­cy, send­ing mer­ce­nar­ies to Mali and the Cen­tral African Repub­lic to prop up dic­ta­tor­ships and shady companies.President Joe Biden is now seek­ing to redress the bal­ance. The ret­i­cence of African states to vote with the west in con­demn­ing Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine (26 refused to do so) may have sharp­ened his think­ing. Diplo­mat­ic engage­ment has been stepped up. Wash­ing­ton will hold a US-Africa sum­mit in Decem­ber, the first in eight years. Biden has reversed a deci­sion by the Trump admin­is­tra­tion to draw down US troops from Soma­lia and the Sahel, both regions of per­sis­tent ter­ror­ist threat. Antony Blinken, sec­re­tary of state, has made two tours of the con­ti­nent, the lat­est in August when he swept through the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of Con­go and Rwan­da. In South Africa, he launched what was billed as a reset of rela­tions. As he said, the 54 coun­tries that make up the con­ti­nent play a more impor­tant role in world affairs than is wide­ly recog­nised. By 2050, one in four peo­ple on Earth will be African. If a major­i­ty are flour­ish­ing, they will be a source of huge dynamism and ideas. If many are floun­der­ing, they will fuel the prob­lems of uncon­trolled migra­tion and unstop­pable deforestation.A third of the min­er­als that will be need­ed for the tran­si­tion to sus­tain­able ener­gy lie beneath African soil. African peo­ple — and not just their elites — must ben­e­fit from the poten­tial wind­fall with more trans­for­ma­tion of raw mate­ri­als on the con­ti­nent itself. In the Con­go Basin rain­for­est, cen­tral African states host the world’s sec­ond-largest lung. African cap­i­tals mar­shal a quar­ter of UN votes. A Niger­ian heads the World Trade Orga­ni­za­tion and an Ethiopi­an leads the World Health Organ­i­sa­tion. The pol­i­cy paper that under­lies the new approach lays out broad strate­gic objec­tives. Wash­ing­ton will sup­port open soci­eties, democ­ra­cies, recov­ery from the shock of the pan­dem­ic and a just ener­gy tran­si­tion (for which read: it won’t oppose gas). Wash­ing­ton will work with its “African part­ners”: a phrase intend­ed to con­vey that it is lis­ten­ing, not hectoring.The US offer­ing is posi­tioned in delib­er­ate con­trast to what it calls China’s “nar­row com­mer­cial and geopo­lit­i­cal inter­ests” and the Russ­ian view of Africa as a play­ground for pri­vate mil­i­tary com­pa­nies. What are African gov­ern­ments to make of this? Many were not impressed with US lead­er­ship dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, when the west gob­bled up avail­able vac­cines and left Africans to fend for them­selves. (Biden’s sup­port for over­rid­ing intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty on Covid vac­cine tech­nol­o­gy was seen as an impor­tant excep­tion). The US — with its con­test­ed elec­tions and rolling back of lib­er­ties — has also some­what lost the demo­c­ra­t­ic high ground.Chidi Odinkalu of the Fletch­er School of Law and Diplo­ma­cy at Tufts Uni­ver­si­ty detects a cold war throw­back. “The US has come to the con­clu­sion that, if they don’t re-engage, they will be aban­don­ing Africa to Rus­sia and Chi­na.” Still, Alex Vines, direc­tor of the Africa Pro­gramme at the UK think-tank Chatham House, sees an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the con­ti­nent. “This is Africa’s moment,” he says of the multi­na­tion­al engage­ment. How­ev­er shaky, the US with its deep well of wealth, inno­va­tion and demo­c­ra­t­ic ideals is a part­ner worth court­ing, he says. If diplo­ma­cy is trans­ac­tion­al, then the coun­tries of Africa should get ready to deal.


‘Like no other’: The African Festival of Arts returns to Chicago this weekend — CBS News

CHICAGO (CBS) – This week­end, Wash­ing­ton Park on Chicago’s South Side will host one of the city’s most pop­u­lar and riv­et­ing events: the African Fes­ti­val of the Arts.It was side­lined for two years because of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and, as CBS 2’s Jim Williams told us, the event returns this year under the ban­ner “Back to Cul­ture, Back to Tradition.“Dana East­er’s cre­ations are the result of painstak­ing and pre­cise work.“I dye it. I paint it. I print it. I silk screen it,” East­er said. “So, it is art, but it’s just to wear.“It’s called wear­able art and it’s on the backs of peo­ple around the world.

“I’ve had peo­ple say ‘I was in Lon­don and I saw your t‑shirt or I saw your out­fit. I knew it was Dana,’ ” she said.Williams: “This week though, you’re in one spot.Easter: “I’m in one spot, the African Fes­ti­val of the Arts.“The African Fes­ti­val of the Arts, which return this week­end after a two-year hia­tus, will fea­ture every con­ceiv­able expres­sion of Black cul­ture: paint­ings, sculp­tures, fash­ion, food and music.

“This fes­ti­val is very impor­tant to me,” said Dayo Laoye, an artist and Niger­ian native.The art fes­ti­val reflects the rich spir­it and tra­di­tions that artists like Laoye found in Chica­go when he moved to the city 32 years ago.“The African cul­ture for the last 400 years is still embed­ded in some part of Amer­i­ca and some peo­ple, espe­cial­ly here on the South and West Side in Chica­go,” he said. “So find­ing Africa here made me stay longer.“The African Fes­ti­val of the Arts, Laoye said, has helped cre­ate a big­ger mar­ket for the work of Black artists, includ­ing his own.“They rep­re­sent all the ges­tures of our moods as Black peo­ple in Amer­i­ca,” he said, adding, “Through this fes­ti­val, I was able to build my clientele.“Patrick Wood­tor found­ed the fes­ti­val 33 years ago and has watched it blos­som into a “nation­al attraction.”“This is like a fam­i­ly reunion every year,” Wood­ton said. “Every year and peo­ple come as far as Cal­i­for­nia, New York, Florida.”

And Wood­tor said it’s sparked sim­i­lar fes­ti­val across the country.“I’m so excit­ed about it,” said Easter.But this week­end, the cen­ter of the Black art world will be in Chicago’s Wash­ing­ton Park.“It’s just an excit­ing week­end for fam­i­ly, for art, enter­tain­ment,” East­er said. “It’s like no other.“CBS 2 is a proud media spon­sor of the fes­ti­val. It runs Fri­day through Mon­day, Labor Day, in Wash­ing­ton Park.For more infor­ma­tion on the event, vis­it


Fox News anchors deposed in defamation case

This sto­ry, plus a look at finan­cial and oth­er chal­lenges at the Wash­ing­ton Post, Google refus­es to approve Truth Social app for Android devices with­out more con­tent mod­er­a­tion and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Aug 30, 2022 Aug 30, 2022 Aug 30, 2022 Media Busi­ness Aug 31, 2022 Aug 30, 2022 Aug 30, 2022 Aug 30, 2022 Press &…


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Angola’s Ruling Party, MPLA, Retains Power in Tightest Election Yet‑1/29angola-1-moth.jpg The Pop­u­lar Move­ment for the Lib­er­a­tion of Ango­la won in the gen­er­al elec­tion with the low­est mar­gin since com­ing to pow­er in 1975. LUANDA, Ango­la — Angola’s rul­ing par­ty on Mon­day was declared the win­ner of the gen­er­al elec­tion, but it was its weak­est show­ing in the five elec­tions that have tak­en place since the…


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Biden’s Africa strategy seeks to revitalize ties with the continent–08–10T131424Z_910877386_RC2PTV9ZT4SD_RTRMADP_3_USA-AFRICA-CONGO.jpg?w=270 Pres­i­dent Biden is deliv­er­ing on his com­mit­ment to make Africa a pri­or­i­ty for the Unit­ed States.  Most notable is his administration’s sharp uptick in U.S. diplo­ma­cy toward the region. With vis­its to Kenya, Nige­ria, and Sene­gal last Novem­ber, Moroc­co and Alge­ria in March, and South Africa, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of the Con­go, and Rwanda…


Angola Braces for Tight General Election–5434–08da8522c671_w800_h450.jpg Nairo­bi, Kenya —  Ango­la holds pres­i­den­tial and par­lia­men­tary elec­tions Wednes­day in what is expect­ed to be the biggest chal­lenge to the country’s long­stand­ing one-par­­ty rule. The rul­ing MPLA par­ty, in pow­er for near­ly half a cen­tu­ry, has been los­ing young sup­port­ers to the lead­ing oppo­si­tion par­ty, UNITA. The pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates have focused main­ly on eco­nom­ic issues, but observers…


China to forgive 23 ‘belt and road’ loans to 17 African countries — Pinsent Masons

Chi­na will con­tin­ue to help with the con­struc­tion of major infra­struc­ture projects in Africa via financ­ing, invest­ment and assis­tance, the min­is­ter said in a speech at a recent meet­ing of the Chi­na-Africa coop­er­a­tion forum.
The coun­try will also be increas­ing imports from Africa, help­ing to devel­op Africa’s agri­cul­tur­al and man­u­fac­tur­ing sec­tors, and expand­ing co-oper­a­tion in emerg­ing indus­tries such as the dig­i­tal econ­o­my, health, and green and low-car­bon sectors.
The lat­est announce­ment fol­lows China’s can­cel­la­tion of at least 94 inter­est-free loans amount­ing to over US$3.4 bil­lion in Africa between 2000 and 2019.
Finance expert Kanyi Lui of Pin­sent Masons said: “Chi­na has been for­giv­ing inter­est-free loans made to devel­op­ing coun­tries for almost half a cen­tu­ry. When many African coun­tries expe­ri­enced debt dis­tress in the 1980s to 1990s, Chi­na for­gave over 85% of inter­est free loans then out­stand­ing. This lat­est announce­ment shows China’s con­tin­ued lead­er­ship in work­ing with devel­op­ing coun­tries in debt distress.” 
“As the BRI [Belt and Road Ini­tia­tive] starts to shift its focus from mega infra­struc­ture projects to ‘small and beau­ti­ful’ projects which focus on sus­tain­abil­i­ty, rais­ing liv­ing stan­dards and social impact, devel­op­ing coun­tries would do well to care­ful­ly con­sid­er their own their inter­ests and devel­op­men­tal needs and how to engage with Chi­na in a man­ner that would max­imise the wel­fare of their peo­ple,” he said.
As of 2020, the African nations with the high­est exter­nal debt to Chi­na as a per­cent­age of gross nation­al income are Dji­bouti (43%), Ango­la (41%) and the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of Con­go (29%), accord­ing to World Bank data cit­ed in press reports.
