As Tunisia Drifts Farther From Democracy, Voters Shun Election‑1–1‑fc24/20tunisia-sub‑1–1‑fc24-moth-v2.jpgTurnout in Saturday’s par­lia­men­tary elec­tions was just over 11 per­cent, reflect­ing deep skep­ti­cism that pol­i­tics can solve the North African nation’s grave gov­ern­men­tal and eco­nom­ic crises.

Cameroon Hands Road Construction to Military Following Separatist Attacks, Abduction–42B1-9801–82FACBAB1F22_w800_h450.pngCameroon’s mil­i­tary has tak­en over con­struc­tion of roads link­ing its trou­bled west­ern regions to Nige­ria after what it said were repeat­ed sep­a­ratist attacks. The mil­i­tary says the rebels abduct­ed eight peo­ple this week, includ­ing road work­ers, who were aban­don­ing work sites due to inse­cu­ri­ty.  Cameroon says scores of gov­ern­ment troops and road con­struc­tion equip­ment of…


At DU, Students Learn about an Early Warning System for Conflicts in Africa

The num­ber of con­flicts in the world today, includ­ing those that are tak­ing place in the African con­ti­nent, remains a cause of con­cern to many. Today the world has the largest num­ber of con­flicts since the Sec­ond World War. Some of these con­flicts are not just in Africa. They include the con­flicts in Ukraine. The cumulative…


What Happened to the ‘Housegirls’? — BBC Africa Eye documentary

Three years ago, BBC Africa Eye’s Nan­cy Kacun­gi­ra report­ed on the plight of three young women, Mer­cy, Scovia and Esther who left their homes to find jobs as domes­tic work­ers. Com­mon­ly referred to as ‘house­girls’, the film chron­i­cled their hard lives and illus­trat­ed how being employed as a domes­tic work­er can some­times lead to mistreatment…
