Niger Credited With Negotiating Release of US Aid Worker, French Journalist–0aff-0242–9f75-08db2a33a90b_cx0_cy8_cw0_w800_h450.jpgThe gov­ern­ment of Niger says it nego­ti­at­ed the release of a U.S. aid work­er and a French jour­nal­ist who were held cap­tive by Islamist mil­i­tants in the Sahel region. Aid work­er and mis­sion­ary Jef­fery Wood­ke was held for more than six years, while reporter Olivi­er Dubois spent near­ly two years in cap­tiv­i­ty. Kid­nap­pings in the…


Russia Sanctions a Boon for Chinese Arms Sales to Africa?–0aff-0242-ddfd-08db2729dc10_w800_h450.jpgRus­sia has long been the biggest exporter of arms to sub-Saha­ran Africa, but a new study indi­cates West­ern sanc­tions are mak­ing it hard­er for Moscow to sell weapons, open­ing the door for more Chi­­nese-made arms. Even before the Ukraine war, Chi­na had increased its sales of weapons to sub-Saha­ran Africa, export­ing almost three times as…


US Pledges Humanitarian, Economic, Security Aid to Niger–0aff-0242-cb0e-08db267143a0_w800_h450.jpgIn a first for a U.S. sec­re­tary of state, Antony Blinken was in the African nation of Niger Thurs­day to offer human­i­tar­i­an, eco­nom­ic and secu­ri­ty aid. Blinken’s vis­it to Niger fol­lows a stop ear­li­er in the day in Ethiopia, a trip viewed by ana­lysts as an effort to bol­ster U.S. rela­tions in a part of the…


How the Iraq war altered US politics and led to the emergence of Trump dri­ve to war was fueled by par­ti­san­ship and served as an accel­er­ant to the extrem­ism that led to Trump and the Capi­tol riot Long shad­ow of US inva­sion of Iraq still looms over inter­na­tion­al order Twen­ty years ago, Lt Col Karen Kwiatkows­ki was work­ing as a desk offi­cer in the Pen­ta­gon, when she became aware of…


New York court greenlights $2.7 billion suit against Fox News by election company Smartmatic

This sto­ry, plus NBC works to speed dig­i­tal news launch­es, a look at changes com­ing to The Wall Street Jour­nal under new top edi­tor and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Mar 13, 2023Fox News braces for more tur­bu­lence as sec­ond defama­tion law­suit advances Ed Pilk­ing­ton / The Guardian Mar 13, 2023NBC works […]…
