Colorado Community Gathers to Support Women, Agriculture in East Africa

Thanks to Den­ver-based Africa Devel­op­ment Promise (ADP), an esti­mat­ed 150 peo­ple came out to wit­ness the work that the Amer­i­can NGO does, thou­sands of miles away from its Col­orado head­quar­ters. Billed as a Win­ter Gala, the fundrais­ing event occurred on Sat­ur­day, March 4. The loca­tion was the Arva­da Cen­ter for the Arts and Human­i­ties.  Attendees…


Is One Day Enough To See Egyptian Pyramids?–738x355.jpegYes, one day is enough to com­fort­ably vis­it mul­ti­ple Egypt­ian pyra­mids and the ancient city of Mem­phis. How Much Time Do You Need To See The Pyra­mids Of Egypt? Even in the ear­ly spring, Cairo was warm and the idea of spend­ing a full day or mul­ti­ple days out in the sun did not suit me.…


Opinion: Africa’s Long-term Development Depends on Africans

Edi­tor’s Notes: Julius Nyerere was an African vision­ary and pres­i­dent of Tan­za­nia from 1964 to 1985. Pre­vi­ous­ly he served as prime min­is­ter from 1961 to 1964. Nyer­ere’s phi­los­o­phy of Ujaa­ma and African self-reliance has often been cit­ed by pan-African­ists and schol­ars around the world. Benard Semen reminds us that Africans, any­where in the world, need…


What happened to the African students who fled Ukraine? BBC Africa

British-Zim­bab­wean Kor­rine Sky was study­ing med­i­cine in the Ukrain­ian city of Dnipro. Now back in the UK with her fam­i­ly she has faced obsta­cles in try­ing to resume her stud­ies. Kor­rine reached out and spoke to three med­ical stu­dents, who like her, have had their dreams and edu­ca­tion­al aspi­ra­tions impact­ed by the war. Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er: Léone…


Competing US views on origins of Covid reveal deeper splits over China policy chief’s endorse­ment of Covid lab leak the­o­ry high­lights the tus­sle between hawks and doves with­in the admin­is­tra­tion The FBI chief, Chris Wray, has endorsed the the­o­ry that the Covid pan­dem­ic was the result of a lab­o­ra­to­ry leak in Chi­na, fur­ther sharp­en­ing an increas­ing­ly com­bat­ive bilat­er­al rela­tion­ship. In mak­ing his inter­ven­tion, Wray, who was appointed…
