Kenyan police in Haiti submit resignations over pay delays — Reuters

Kenyan police in Haiti sub­mit res­ig­na­tions over pay delays  Reuters Under assault by gangs in Haiti, a Kenyan-led mis­sion fights back  The Asso­ci­at­ed Press UN Force Faces Relent­less Gang Vio­lence in Haiti’s Cap­i­tal  Newsweek Haiti’s multi­na­tion­al police mis­sion denies reports of unpaid wages  Al Jazeera Eng­lish Kenya police boss denies reports offi­cers in Haiti peace­keep­ing mis­sion haven’t been paid in…


Ghana Elections. What’s at stake? Focus on Africa Podcast

Ghana­ians are prepar­ing to vote in their pres­i­den­tial elec­tion this Sat­ur­day. The elec­tion is being con­test­ed between vice-pres­i­­dent Mahamudu Bawu­mia and for­mer pres­i­dent John Mahama. What are the key issues vot­ers will be focus­ing on? Also, Sier­ra Leone’s desire to return to being a rice exporter, instead of import­ing the coun­try’s most favourite food. And French…


How easy is to travel to another African country? Focus On Africa Podcast

Nige­ria air strikes: Tudun­biri vil­lage con­tin­ues to mourn dozens of deaths and cope with injuries one year lat­er on We look at the impact of mer­cury poi­son­ing caused by ille­gal min­ing in south­west­ern Ghana And how easy is it for you to trav­el to anoth­er African coun­try? 00:01 Intro 00:56 The tragedy of Tudun­biri, a year on, 08:22…
