Meet ‘Starboyy’: the three-year old football wizkid — BBC Africa

Three-year-old Toben­na Uchen­du cap­tured the hearts of many in 2023 when a video of him skill­ful­ly run­ning with a foot­ball at just 1 year and 9 months old went viral. Tobenna’s foot­ball tal­ent is quite remark­able for his age and has already earned him the oppor­tu­ni­ty to train with Niger­ian foot­ball super­star Vic­tor Osimhen. BBC…


The Inside Story: The Life and Legacy of Jimmy Carter | 178    Tran­script: The Inside Sto­ry: The Life & Lega­cy of Pres­i­dent Jim­my Carter Episode 178 — Jan­u­ary 9, 2025   Show Open:   Pres­i­dent Jim­my Carter:    I Jim­my Carter do solemn­ly swear….       KANE FARABAUGH, VOA Cor­re­spon­dent:    As the 39th pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, Jim­my Carter promised a gov­ern­ment as good…


The 4‑year-old drummer conquering social media and Nollywood — BBC Africa

#shorts #afric­as­horts #talk­ing­drums Sofi­at Wurao­la Olaide, pop­u­lar­ly known as Ayan­wu­ra, is one of the youngest female tra­di­tion­al talk­ing drum­mers in Nige­ria. She start­ed drum­ming at a ten­der age of four and has now cap­tured hearts with a grow­ing social media fol­low­ing of over 60k on Insta­gram. Her drum­ming skills land­ed her a role in Nollywood…


Thandiswa Mazwai Is the Voice of South Africa’s First Post-Apartheid Generation­wa Mazwai has sung of South Africa’s highs and lows since the coun­try became a mul­tira­cial democ­ra­cy 30 years ago. “My call­ing is to sing the people’s joy, to sing the people’s sadness.”

Ivory Coast asks French troops to leave, latest African country to do so, IVORY COAST — Ivory Coast announced on Tues­day that French troops will leave the coun­try after a decades­long mil­i­tary pres­ence. It is the lat­est African nation to down­scale mil­i­tary ties with its for­mer colo­nial pow­er. Ivo­rian Pres­i­dent Alas­sane Ouat­tara said the pull­out would begin in Jan­u­ary. France has had as many as 600 troops in Ivory Coast.…
