Mandela Goes From Hero to Scapegoat as South Africa Struggles­son Man­dela is revered world­wide and cel­e­brat­ed on July 18, his birth­day. But at home, a younger gen­er­a­tion is dis­il­lu­sioned with the coun­try, his par­ty and the anti-apartheid leader, too.

The EU has revealed its blueprint to curb migration

BRUSSELS — Cash is king in the EU’s plan to stop migrants from com­ing to Europe. On Sun­day, the EU final­ized a deal with Tunisia — a com­mon depar­ture point for peo­ple seek­ing asy­lum in Europe — that essen­tial­ly offers the coun­try mil­lions in exchange for help block­ing the boats that have been car­ry­ing a grow­ing number…
