Like it or not, the rules-based order is no more

Ivo Daalder, for­mer U.S. ambas­sador to NATO, is CEO of the Chica­go Coun­cil on Glob­al Affairs and host of the week­ly pod­cast “World Review with Ivo Daalder.” He writes POLITICO’s Across the Pond col­umn. A few weeks ago, when Dan­ish Prime Min­is­ter Mette Fred­erik­sen spoke with soon-to-be U.S. Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump about his insis­tence on…


Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger leave Ecowas — BBC Africa

Three coun­tries under mil­i­tary rule have offi­cial­ly left West African region­al bloc Ecow­as, after more than a year of diplo­mat­ic ten­sions. The with­draw­al of Mali, Burk­i­na Faso and Niger is a huge blow to Ecow­as, which at 50 years old is con­sid­ered Africa’s most impor­tant region­al group. The split was sparked after the three depart­ing countries…


Nigeria approves Shell’s exit from Niger Delta — Focus On Africa Podcast

Nige­ria approves Shel­l’s water­shed exit from oil-rich Niger Delta-but activists are not pleased. Tan­za­ni­a’s Samia Suluhu Has­san receives an ear­ly nom­i­na­tion for being the rul­ing par­ty’s pres­i­den­tial can­di­date. And why are some African coun­tries mov­ing towards ban­ning wigs in court? 00:01 Intro 01:04 Nige­ria approves Shel­l’s exit from Niger Delta 09:01 Pres­i­den Samia gets nom­i­na­tion to be…


Trump’s return sparks renewed hope among Nigerian separatists, NIGERIA — As U.S. Pres­i­­dent-elect Don­ald Trump pre­pares for his sec­ond inau­gu­ra­tion on Jan. 20, thou­sands of miles away in Nige­ria his return to pow­er has reignit­ed hope among Biafra seces­sion­ists. Some view him as a pos­si­ble ally in their decades-long bat­tle for auton­o­my – though at least one ana­lyst thinks they should low­er their…
