Afcon celebrations continue in Ivory Coast — BBC Africa

If you thought #AFCON2023 cel­e­bra­tions were over, think again! 🥅 ⚽️ 🎉 🇨🇮 Ivo­rians are still cel­e­brat­ing their third Afcon tro­phy, hav­ing matched Nige­ri­a’s 🇳🇬 record of three titles. The mood is jubi­lant in the streets of #Abid­jan, as large crowds wel­come home their nation­al team. 🏆 #Afcon #Afcon­Cham­pi­ons #TheEle­phants #IvoryCoast #Foot­ball #Afcon2023 Sub­scribe: Web­site:…


The president who vowed not to overstay — BBC Africa

“The pres­i­dent can­not extend his term of office, not even by one day”. These were the words of Sene­gal’s pres­i­dent, Macky Sall before his elec­tion in 2012, but has he gone back on his word?  Sene­gal is in polit­i­cal tur­moil since its leader post­poned the Feb­ru­ary 2024 elec­tions, with crit­ics say­ing the move is just anoth­er way…
