No Rest for the Weary in Zimbabwe

In yet anoth­er set­back to bring­ing last­ing peace to Zim­bab­we, Reuters News Ser­vice report­ed Mon­day that there is a dead­lock in nego­ti­a­tions between the rul­ing ZANU PF par­ty and the oppo­si­tion Move­ment for Demo­c­ra­t­ic Change(MDC) on the terms of imple­men­ta­tion of the Sep­tem­ber 2008 pow­er-shar­ing agree­ment. Both sides are cur­rent­ly at a region­al sum­mit to…


Hope not lost in Zimbabwe

The inter­est­ing news being report­ed by from Bloomberg News is that belea­guered Zim­bab­wean Pres­i­dent Robert Mugabe has agreed to a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment that will cre­ate the posts of a prime min­is­ter and two deputy prime min­is­ters in Zim­bab­we. The plan is that Move­ment for Demo­c­ra­t­ic Change(MDC) leader Mor­gan Tsvan­gi­rai will  become prime min­is­ter, if current…


What is the impact of the financial crisis on African economies?

    If we can for­get about the doom and gloom cre­at­ed by the world finan­cial cri­sis for a moment and look at his­to­ry, econ­o­mists tell us that the crash of the stock mar­ket and fears of a reces­sion or depres­sion is noth­ing new. By the way, some of us can bare­ly remem­ber the crash of…


Building Aurora’s Future

Africa Agen­da has been select­ed to be the spot­light non-prof­it that will help show­case this year’s Build­ing Aurora’s Future. Build­ing Aurora’s Future is in its sec­ond year and was start­ed by Auro­ra City Coun­cil mem­ber Ryan Fra­zier as a way to bring togeth­er a com­mu­ni­ty that “lives, works and plays togeth­er.” This year, the focus…


Kenya Post Election Dialogue

Den­ver-Sat­ur­­day Feb. 9, 2008, 2:30–4:30 pm in the Com­mu­ni­ty Room of Auro­ra Cen­tral Library (14949 E. Alame­da Pkwy, Auro­ra, CO 80012) Africa Agen­da will host a his­tor­i­cal, post-elec­­tion forum and com­mu­ni­ty dia­logue on the elec­tion dis­putes in Kenya, cur­rent peace efforts, and work toward rec­on­cil­i­a­tion between Kenyan cit­i­zens and their gov­ern­ment. Long con­sid­ered one of the…


Africa’s New Era Continues with Gains in Peace and Democracy

In the world of fast-paced twen­­ty-four-hour news, to craft a pow­er­ful news head­line means the head­line should stand out and draw read­ers’ atten­tion amid a pletho­ra of sto­ries from all direc­tions. It’s a the­o­ry that applies to print and tele­vi­sion news–when pow­er­ful head­line news, embod­ied in sud­den peace agree­ments, rebel sur­ren­ders, may­hem, and con­flict, easily…


Colorado Association of Black Journalists Embracing New Media

The 2007 Annu­al Ban­quet of the Col­orado Asso­ci­a­tion of Black Journalists(CABJ)  took place on August 3 at the Den­ver Mar­i­ott City Cen­ter. The event fea­tured jour­nal­ists and media pro­fes­sion­als all over Col­orado. The theme for the 2007 event was Embrac­ing New Media. Awards were pre­sent­ed to jour­nal­ists in var­i­ous cat­e­gories, includ­ing Broad­cast, Pub­lic Rela­tions, and…
