In Case You Missed It: 1/25/16 — 2/2/16

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, U.S. Com­merce Sec­re­tary under­takes a fact-find­­ing mis­sion to Nige­ria and Rwan­da, Con­gress pass­es Elec­tri­fy Africa Act, and Pow­er Africa out­lines a roadmap for the future. U.S. Com­merce Sec­re­tary Vis­its Nige­ria and Rwan­da on…


In Case You Missed It: 1/18/16 — 1/24/16

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, a new app rein­vents laun­dry in Ugan­da, and Sier­ra Leone’s abor­tion bill faces a set­back. New App Acts As “Uber” For Laun­dry Yoza is a new com­pa­ny that con­nects peo­ple look­ing for help…


In Case You Missed It: 01/11/16 – 01/18/16

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, South Africa goes head-to-head with the U.S. over chick­en, meat and pork, and a new case of Ebo­la is dis­cov­ered in Sier­ra Leone a day after it is declared Ebo­la-free. South Africa Settles…


Obama’s Final State of the Union — What It Means for Africa

Unit­ed States Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma deliv­ered his final State of the Union address on Tues­day, Jan­u­ary 12. In his speech, Oba­ma focused on a num­ber of ideas, includ­ing the fact that Amer­i­ca has nev­er stopped being great, that diplo­ma­cy is a bet­ter way to deal with con­flict, and that all Amer­i­cans — regard­less of dif­fer­ences in…


In Case You Missed It: 1/04/16 — 1/10/16

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, Net­flix expands to Africa,  the IMF address­es falling oil prices and eco­nom­ic hard­ships in Nige­ria and Cameroon, and Egyp­t’s new par­lia­ment gets to work.     Net­flix Offi­cial­ly Launch­es in Africa Net­flix announced this…


In Case You Missed It: 12/28/15–1/3/16

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, elec­tions in the Cen­tral African Repub­lic bring hopes for rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, Cameroon’s Pres­i­dent thanks the U.S. for their help in the fight against Boko Haram, and Somalia’s al-Shabab group uses footage of U.S. presidential…


In Case You Missed It: 12/21/15 — 12/27/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, an African actress is cast in new Har­ry Pot­ter play, Ben­in’s PM walks away from a heli­copter crash, and an explo­sion in Nige­ria kills nine. African Actress Cast As Hermione Granger Actress Noma Dumezweni…


In Case You Missed It: 12/14/15 — 12/21/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, Burun­di takes cen­ter stage in dis­cus­sions at the African Union, the U.S. Sen­ate unan­i­mous­ly pass­es Elec­tri­fy Africa Act. U.S. Sen­ate Pass­es 2015 Elec­tri­fy Africa Bill The leg­is­la­tion which requires the pres­i­dent of the…


In Case You Missed It: 12/7/15 — 12/13/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, farm­ers in Burk­i­na Faso take a risk, South Africa appoints a new Min­is­ter of Finance, and Burundi’s cri­sis con­tin­ues. Farm­ers In Burk­i­na Faso Reject Indus­tri­al Farm­ing Farm­ers in Burk­i­na Faso are tak­ing what…


In Case You Missed It: 11/30/15 — 12/6/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. This week, the Africa Pavil­ion at COP21 kicks off, Chi­na gives $60 bil­lion in aid to Africa, and Libya takes steps towards peace. Africa Pavil­ion at COP21 Begins A pan­el com­prised of African heads of state, government…
