US military completes major exercise in Africa, works on partnerships–0aff-0242-fb4b-08dc8292b9b9_w800_h450.jpgTAN TAN, Moroc­co — High-rank­ing mil­i­tary offi­cials from the U.S. and its top African allies watched intent­ly as dust and flames shot up from pieces of the Sahara Desert hit by tank and artillery fire. They looked up as pilots flew F‑16s into for­ma­tion. And they lis­tened intent­ly as Moroc­can and Amer­i­can per­son­nel explained how they…


William Ruto ‘confident’ in police deploying to Haiti — BBC Africa

The Kenya gov­ern­ment will send close to 1,000 peace­keep­ing police offi­cers under a UN mis­sion to Haiti, aimed at help­ing the coun­try’s tran­si­tion­al author­i­ties restore order. For weeks, gangs in Haiti had been car­ry­ing out dead­ly co-ordi­­nat­ed attacks, demand­ing the res­ig­na­tion of the then Prime Min­is­ter Ariel Hen­ry. He agreed to step down in March.…


US has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence election, says Blinken­re­tary of state met Xi Jin­ping in Bei­jing and warned of sanc­tions over China’s sup­port for Russ­ian arms indus­try Wash­ing­ton has seen evi­dence of attempts by Bei­jing to “influ­ence and arguably inter­fere” in this year’s US elec­tions, the sec­re­tary of state has said dur­ing a trip to Chi­na, also warn­ing that Chi­nese com­pa­nies face new…
