Liberia’s President Concedes Election Defeat in a Knife-Edge Vote­i­dent George Weah, a for­mer soc­cer star whose admin­is­tra­tion had weath­ered accu­sa­tions of cor­rup­tion, announced that he had lost his bid for re-elec­­tion to Joseph Boakai, a 78-year-old for­mer vice president.

The rise and fall of geopolitical Europe

Nathalie Toc­ci is direc­tor of the Isti­tu­to Affari Inter­nazion­ali, a part-time pro­fes­sor at the Euro­pean Uni­ver­si­ty Insti­tute and a Europe’s Futures fel­low at the Insti­tute for Human Sci­ences. Her lat­est book, “A Green and Glob­al Europe,” is out with Poli­ty. As the Euro­pean Union’s lead­er­ship enters its last lap, with the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment elec­tions scheduled…


Bush says US must support Israel ‘no ands, ifs or buts’ amid 9/11 comparisons­mer pres­i­dent prais­es Biden for stand­ing with Israel and says Netanyahu has ‘got to do what he’s got to do’ after Hamas attacks The US must sup­port Israel “no ands, ifs or buts”, the for­mer US pres­i­dent George W Bush said as he advo­cat­ed for tough action in response to vio­lence by Hamas which many…


Haiti crisis: Will Kenya overcome the ghosts of Brazil’s mission? BBC Africa

Kenya is deploy­ing a force of 1,000 police offi­cers to Haiti to fight crim­i­nal gangs that have tak­en con­trol of Haiti’s cap­i­tal, Port-au-Prince. How­ev­er, Kenya is not the first for­eign inter­ven­tion in Haiti; Brazil led a mis­sion from 2004 to 2016, with a mixed out­come. But can Kenya suc­ceed where oth­ers have failed? And what…


UAE Reverses Visa Ban on Nigeria, Signs Billion-Dollar Investment Deal, President Says–0aff-0242-b1cf-08dbb3d6436c_cx0_cy10_cw0_w800_h450.jpgNige­ri­ans are prais­ing the lift­ing of a visa ban by the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates fol­low­ing a meet­ing in Abu Dhabi this week between Pres­i­dent Bola Tin­ubu and Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates Pres­i­dent Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Niger­ian author­i­ties also secured an invest­ment deal worth bil­lions of dol­lars, accord­ing to the pres­i­den­cy. Niger­ian pres­i­den­tial spokesper­son Ajuri…


The US can rebuild trust abroad – by declassifying incriminating intelligence | David Adler and Misty Rebik just returned from a del­e­ga­tion to Brazil, Chile and Colom­bia. Each coun­try is still seek­ing answers about the his­to­ry of US inter­ven­tion On the morn­ing of 11 Sep­tem­ber 1973, the Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency briefed Pres­i­dent Richard Nixon about the Chilean military’s immi­nent plan to “trig­ger mil­i­tary action against the Allende gov­ern­ment”. By noon, bombs…


Joe Biden calls for stable US-China relationship during south-east Asia tour US president’s remarks came after after meet­ing in Viet­nam with Com­mu­nist par­ty offi­cial to secure glob­al sup­ply chain Joe Biden’s nation­al secu­ri­ty tour of south-east Asia reached Hanoi, Viet­nam, on Sun­day, where the pres­i­dent called for sta­bil­i­ty in the US-Chi­­na rela­tion­ship against an increas­ing­ly com­plex diplo­mat­ic pic­ture in the region for his coun­try. “I don’t…
