Armenia, Azerbaijan Agree To End Fight In Nagorno-Karabakh Region YEREVAN, Arme­nia (AP) — Arme­nia and Azer­bai­jan announced an agree­ment ear­ly Tues­day to halt fight­ing over the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azer­bai­jan under a pact signed with Rus­sia that calls for deploy­ment of near­ly 2,000 Russ­ian peace­keep­ers and ter­ri­to­r­i­al concessions.


Taliban Call On Biden To Stick To U.S. Troop Withdrawal Deal In Afghanistan KABUL (Reuters) — Afghanistan’s insur­gent Tal­iban on Tues­day called on the incom­ing admin­is­tra­tion of U.S. Pres­i­­dent-elect Joe Biden to stick to the Feb­ru­ary agree­ment to with­draw U.S. troops. The Unit­ed States has been pulling out troops under


Poorest Countries Could Be Left Behind As Wealthy Nations Buy Up Covid Vaccine Poor coun­tries could be left behind in the fight against coro­n­avirus as wealth­i­er nations scram­ble to buy up dos­es of a poten­tial Covid-19 vac­cine, cam­paign­ers have warned.  On Wednes­day, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal giant Pfiz­er and its Ger­man part­ner BioNTech
