Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Resign En Masse

https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5fabbe172400009d2b9ae659.jpeg?cache=ipq48yxsqv&ops=224_126 HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong’s pro-democ­ra­­cy law­mak­ers said Wednes­day that they were resign­ing en masse fol­low­ing a move by the semi-autonomous Chi­nese territory’s gov­ern­ment to dis­qual­i­fy four of their fel­low pro-democ­ra­­cy leg­is­la­tors. The 15 law­mak­ers announced


Tanzanian Opposition Leader Leaves Country After Police Bar Protest

https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/11/10/world/10tanzania/10tanzania-moth.jpgDODOMA, Tan­za­nia — Escort­ed by West­ern diplo­mats, Tanzania’s main oppo­si­tion can­di­date left the coun­try for Bel­gium on Tues­day after reject­ing a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion he assert­ed had wide­spread irreg­u­lar­i­ties. “I am not flee­ing the coun­try,” said the can­di­date, Tun­du Lis­su, who was


Pope John Paul II Promoted Cleric After Learning About Sex Abuse Allegations

https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5faac4162400002c20b0405d.jpeg?cache=btrs0qbpo3&ops=224_126 ROME (AP) — A Vat­i­can inves­ti­ga­tion into for­mer Car­di­nal Theodore McCar­rick has found that a series of bish­ops, car­di­nals and popes down­played or dis­missed reports of sex­u­al mis­con­duct with sem­i­nar­i­ans, and deter­mined that Pope Fran­cis mere­ly con­tin­ued his predecessors’


BBC Probes Whether Princess Diana Was Tricked Into Bombshell Interview

https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5faa21cb290000e925c6ba5f.jpeg?cache=t2bpdypupq&ops=224_126 The BBC announced Mon­day that it’s launch­ing a “robust” probe into accu­sa­tions that lies and forged doc­u­ments were used to trick Princess Diana into her ground­break­ing 1995 inter­view with jour­nal­ist Mar­tin Bashir. Diana’s broth­er, Charles Spencer, claimed that


Localized communication plans help Senegal control COVID-19

http://webfeeds.brookings.edu/-/638557656/0/brookingsrss/topics/subsaharanafrica.jpgDespite warn­ings about the inad­e­qua­cy of Senegal’s health care sys­tem, the country’s COVID-19 case num­bers remain among the low­est per capi­ta in the world, large­ly due to its fact-based and swift response. Fol­low­ing the country’s first COVID-19 case, Sene­gal enacted

European Union Files Antitrust Charges Against Amazon

https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5faa862d240000343961f6c3.jpeg?cache=muu2lfbl6e&ops=224_126 LONDON (AP) — Euro­pean Union reg­u­la­tors have filed antitrust charges against Ama­zon, accus­ing the e‑commerce giant of using data to gain an unfair advan­tage over mer­chants using its plat­form. The EU’s exec­u­tive com­mis­sion, the bloc’s top antitrust
