Winners of Close-Up Photographer of the Year‑1/lead_960.jpgThe sec­ond year of the Close-Up Pho­tog­ra­ph­er of the Year com­pe­ti­tion has just come to a close, and the win­ners have been announced. The con­test “cel­e­brates close-up, macro, and micro pho­tog­ra­phy,” among sev­en sep­a­rate cat­e­gories. More than 6,500 entries were

Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Resign En Masse HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong’s pro-democ­ra­­cy law­mak­ers said Wednes­day that they were resign­ing en masse fol­low­ing a move by the semi-autonomous Chi­nese territory’s gov­ern­ment to dis­qual­i­fy four of their fel­low pro-democ­ra­­cy leg­is­la­tors. The 15 law­mak­ers announced


Tanzanian Opposition Leader Leaves Country After Police Bar Protest, Tan­za­nia — Escort­ed by West­ern diplo­mats, Tanzania’s main oppo­si­tion can­di­date left the coun­try for Bel­gium on Tues­day after reject­ing a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion he assert­ed had wide­spread irreg­u­lar­i­ties. “I am not flee­ing the coun­try,” said the can­di­date, Tun­du Lis­su, who was
