Review: Frankfurt Airport Coronavirus Testing–738x355.jpeg Frank­furt Air­port offers a stream­lined, effi­cient, and rel­a­tive­ly safe sys­tem for per­form­ing coro­n­avirus test­ing. My post-flight test was processed quick­ly and results deliv­ered with­in hours. This review will pro­vide a step-by-step guide of how to obtain coro­n­avirus test­ing at


Review: Lufthansa First Class Lounge Frankfurt – Pandemic Edition–738x355.jpeg After land­ing in Frank­furt on LH457 and clear­ing pass­port con­trol, my first stop was the first class lounge near gate A13. It is cur­rent­ly the only Lufthansa first class lounge open in Frank­furt (and indeed all of the world).


Africa in the news: Post-election updates, Nigeria ratifies AfCFTA, and continued unrest in Ethiopia­tion updates in Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, and Tan­za­nia  On Wednes­day, Novem­ber 11, Côte d’Ivoire’s new­ly reelect­ed Pres­i­dent Alas­sane Ouat­tara met with one of the country’s main oppo­si­tion lead­ers, Hen­ri Konan Bedie, in an attempt to avoid a cri­sis in the


Nigeria Goes on Offensive Against Youth Protesting Police Brutality‑1/13nigeria-protest-1-moth.jpgLAGOS, Nige­ria — Nigeria’s lead­ers have made a show of respond­ing to the demands of a mas­sive youth-led upris­ing over police bru­tal­i­ty that recent­ly brought the coun­try to a stand­still and cap­tured glob­al atten­tion. The gov­ern­ment has com­mis­sioned pan­els of inquiry
