Ghanaians Remember ‘Complex’ Former President Jerry Rawlings — The death of Ghana’s for­mer pres­i­dent Jer­ry John Rawl­ings at age 73 on Thurs­day in Accra, sparked mixed reac­tions across the nation.  Some were sad­dened by Rawl­ings death while oth­ers spoke of human rights abus­es under his rule.  Jer­ry John


Impact of Ethiopia’s Tigray Conflict Felt in Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia–11/2020–11–14T173816Z_1875549699_RC253K9IGC10_RTRMADP_3_ETHIOPIA-CONFLICT-SUDAN.JPG?imwidth=800NAIROBI — The con­flict in Ethiopia’s rebel­lious Tigray region is less than two weeks old but is already hav­ing a grow­ing region­al impact, with effects felt in Sudan, Eritrea and Soma­lia. Ethiopi­an gov­ern­ment forces have cap­tured the town of Alamata,


United Airlines Flight Attendants Concerned Over Onboard Service Resumptions This month, Unit­ed Air­lines has restored buy-on-board ser­vice to a select flights. Sev­er­al flight atten­dants have reached out to me in con­cern over this move, not­ing it comes as the num­ber of report­ed COVID-19 cas­es is again surg­ing in


Pakistan’s Capital Under Virtual Lockdown Over Anti-France Protest–11/AP20321412143702.jpg?imwidth=800ISLAMABAD —  Secu­ri­ty forces in Pak­istan sealed off a main high­way into the cap­i­tal, Islam­abad, for a sec­ond day Mon­day to con­tain thou­sands of Islamists gath­ered out­side the city to protest the reprint­ing of car­i­ca­tures of the Prophet Muham­mad in

Moderna Announces  Second COVID Vaccine More Than 90% Effective–10/000_1WH7OL.jpg?imwidth=800WASHINGTON — Anoth­er COVID-19 vac­cine has shown excit­ing results, poten­tial­ly adding mil­lions of dos­es to the sup­ply of vac­cines that could be avail­able this year. The vac­cine from biotech firm Mod­er­na was 94.5% effec­tive, accord­ing to an ear­ly analy­sis of


Israel to Go Ahead With Plans to Build 1,200 Homes in East Jerusalem–11/2020–11–06T112843Z_502820263_RC2NXJ9HM38D_RTRMADP_3_ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS-VIOLENCE.JPG?imwidth=800JERUSALEM — Israel has announced it will go ahead with plans to build more than 1,200 new homes in east Jerusalem. Pales­tini­ans say the move will make a future Pales­tin­ian state impos­si­ble as it will divide between Beth­le­hem and east