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Black Lives Matter: Activists demand #EndSARS protesters’ release

share­Sharen­o­close­Share pagelinkCopy link­About shar­ing image copy­right­Get­ty Images Promi­nent Black Lives Mat­ters activists and celebri­ties have writ­ten to Nige­ri­a’s pres­i­dent demand­ing jus­tice over the treat­ment of peo­ple dur­ing protests against police bru­tal­i­ty. The group, which

UN Official: Sudan Needs World’s Support in Transition to Democracy

A U.N. offi­cial says Sudan is at a crit­i­cal junc­ture as it tran­si­tions to a democ­ra­cy and needs the sup­port of the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty to over­come its myr­i­ad eco­nom­ic chal­lenges. Rose­mary DiCar­lo, U.N. under­­sec­re­­tary-gen­er­al for polit­i­cal and peace­build­ing affairs on

Cameroon Opposition Leader’s De Facto House Arrest Ends

YAOUNDE — Hun­dreds of sup­port­ers of Cameroon oppo­si­tion leader Mau­rice Kam­to have gath­ered at his home after his months-long de fac­to house arrest sud­den­ly end­ed. Heav­i­ly armed police sta­tioned at his home since Sep­tem­ber 22 left on Tues­day, but authorities

How to reignite Africa’s growth and avoid the need for future debt jubilee

In ancient times, debt jubilees were cus­tom­ary after wars or dra­mat­ic events. By wip­ing out debts, these jubilees sought to avoid polar­iza­tion and social ten­sions. Today, the mas­sive dis­lo­ca­tions caused by the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic pro­vide jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the inter­na­tion­al community

Morocco to Kick Off Mass Vaccination Plan with Chinese Drug

Moroc­co is gear­ing up for an ambi­tious COVID-19 vac­ci­na­tion pro­gram, aim­ing to vac­ci­nate 80% of its adults in an oper­a­tion start­ing this month that’s rely­ing ini­tial­ly on a Chi­nese vac­cine that has not yet com­plet­ed advanced tri­als to prove it