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Canada Welcomes Record Number of Immigrants, Seeks More

Cana­da is tout­ing the arrival of a record num­ber of new per­ma­nent res­i­dents in 2022, con­sol­i­dat­ing its sta­tus as one of the most wel­com­ing coun­tries for fam­i­lies and indi­vid­u­als seek­ing to make a new life in a for­eign land. That image is rein­forced by polling show­ing that, not only do Cana­di­ans strong­ly sup­port high lev­els of…

Rishi Sunak plans US trip with Northern Ireland high on agenda

UK offi­cials in flur­ry of diplo­ma­cy seek­ing agree­ment with EU over pro­to­col, but play down talk that deal is close Rishi Sunak is con­sid­er­ing a trip to vis­it Joe Biden in the US as talks between the UK and EU over the North­ern Ire­land pro­to­col inten­si­fy. The prime minister’s offi­cials are draw­ing up plans for him…