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Will France’s Africa Policy Hold Up?

Sum­ma­ry Dur­ing his first term, French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron sought to revi­tal­ize his country’s diplo­mat­ic out­reach to coun­tries through­out Africa. Some aspects of this piv­ot were designed to more direct­ly address the lega­cy of French colo­nial­ism in Fran­coph­o­ne coun­tries. He also sensed that the grow­ing stature of non-West­­ern pow­ers like Chi­na has giv­en African counterparts…

But CAN the United States defend Taiwan?

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has yet again stat­ed that if Chi­na attacked Tai­wan to reuni­fy what Bei­jing sees as a rene­gade province with the main­land, the Unit­ed States would come to Taiwan’s mil­i­tary defense. White House staff has again fol­lowed up these off-the-cuff pres­i­den­tial com­ments with a “clar­i­fi­ca­tion” that in fact, strate­gic ambi­gu­i­ty remains Amer­i­can pol­i­cy. Somewhat…

The CFA franc zone: Economic development and the post-COVID recovery

The CFA franc zone, which encom­pass­es 14 coun­tries in fran­coph­o­ne West and Cen­tral Africa bond­ed by French colo­nial her­itage and com­mon cur­ren­cy, is falling behind most devel­op­ing coun­tries in terms of per capi­ta growth, pri­vate sec­tor com­pet­i­tive­ness, gov­er­nance, human devel­op­ment, and pover­ty reduc­tion. Such chal­lenges have been exac­er­bat­ed by recent increased exter­nal shocks such as…

How Russia’s Wagner Group Is Expanding in Africa

Best known for its mer­ce­nar­ies, the Wag­n­er Group also mines dia­monds, spreads dis­in­for­ma­tion and props up auto­crats in an effort to grow Russia’s foot­print. Mer­ce­nar­ies are enjoy­ing a resur­gence in Africa, hired to fight in some of the continent’s most intractable con­flicts. Per­haps the most famous out­fit is the Wag­n­er Group, a neb­u­lous net­work that…

In Mali, a Massacre With a Russian Footprint

BAMAKO, Mali — On the last Sun­day in March before Ramadan, thou­sands of mer­chants and vil­lagers filled the mar­ket of Moura, in cen­tral Mali, trad­ing cat­tle in a vast pen and stock­ing up on spices and veg­eta­bles in the town’s sandy alleys. Sud­den­ly, five low-fly­­ing heli­copters thrummed over­head, some fir­ing weapons and draw­ing gun­fire in…

The Turkish gambit and the future of NATO

Ville Kor­pela is exec­u­tive direc­tor at the Impact Inno­va­tion Insti­tute. Diana Mjeshtri is a pol­i­cy ana­lyst at Impact Inno­va­tion Insti­tute. Both are mem­bers of the Coun­cilors Pro­gram at the Atlantic Coun­cil. We cur­rent­ly live in a fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent and much more dan­ger­ous world than we did pri­or to Feb­ru­ary 24. Ever since the begin­ning of Russian…

A look at how Uvalde’s local paper covered the shooting

This sto­ry, plus Bloomberg Media and iHeart­Media to release new five pod­cast shows this year, French jour­nal­ist killed in Ukraine and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 28, 2022 May 27, 2022 May 30, 2022 About Mis­in­for­ma­tion May 31, 2022 Media Busi­ness May 30, 2022 May 27, 2022 Media Ethics May 29, 2022 May 29, 2022 Coro­n­avirus May 27, 2022 International…

Putin’s World Order Would Be Devastating for Africa

On March 2, mem­ber states of the Unit­ed Nations Gen­er­al Assem­bly vot­ed over­whelm­ing­ly in favor of a res­o­lu­tion that strong­ly con­demned Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin’s war of aggres­sion against Ukraine. The res­o­lu­tion, which was sup­port­ed by 141 mem­ber states, affirmed that “any attempt aimed at the … dis­rup­tion of the ter­ri­to­r­i­al integri­ty of a State…