Africa’s First Covid-19 Vaccine Factory Has Not Received a Single Order

JOHANNESBURG — The first fac­to­ry in Africa licensed to pro­duce Covid-19 vac­cines for the African mar­ket has not received a sin­gle order and may shut down that pro­duc­tion line with­in weeks if the sit­u­a­tion doesn’t change, accord­ing to exec­u­tives of the com­pa­ny, Aspen Phar­ma­care. The fac­to­ry, in the coastal South African city of Gqe­ber­ha, formerly…

West Africa moves in unison to promote vaccination and curb falsehoods — Poynter

In West Africa, fact-check­­ers are coop­er­at­ing to expand their influ­ence on local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lev­els to curb mis­in­for­ma­tion about vac­cines. Orga­ni­za­tions are band­ing togeth­er, form­ing alliances with inter­gov­ern­men­tal groups and cre­at­ing cross-con­ti­­nent task forces to ele­vate health knowl­edge across Africa. “I think the most impor­tant thing is to high­light how fact-check­­ers lever­age col­lab­o­ra­tion to…

A Door-to-Door Effort to Find Out Who Died Helps Low-Income Countries Aid the Living

Many devel­op­ing coun­tries don’t keep offi­cial death records. A nov­el effort uses “elec­tron­ic autop­sies” to count deaths, and record their cause. FUNKOYA, Sier­ra Leone — Augus­tine Alpha begins gen­tly. “Who lives in this home?” he asks the young man, who has come in from the fields to answer his ques­tions. Your name? Age? Reli­gion? Mar­i­tal status?…

Second Global COVID-19 Summit to Be Held May 12 

Wash­ing­ton —  The White House has announced the Unit­ed States will co-host the sec­ond glob­al COVID-19 sum­mit vir­tu­al­ly on May 12 to dis­cuss increas­ing efforts to end the pan­dem­ic inter­na­tion­al­ly and pre­pare for future vari­ants of the coro­n­avirus. “The emer­gence and spread of new vari­ants, like omi­cron, have rein­forced the need for a strat­e­gy aimed…

New COVID Vaccine Aims to Boost Underserved Nations in Africa, India

  Why CORBEVAX?  Sci­en­tists in the state of Texas in Amer­i­ca have devel­oped a new acces­si­ble COVID-19 vac­cine (CORBEVAX) to com­bat low inoc­u­la­tion rates in low-income and under­served coun­tries.  Hailed as “the World’s COVID-19 vac­cine,” Texas Children’s Hos­pi­tal and Bay­lor Col­lege of Medicine’s CORBEVAX uses the con­ven­tion­al method of tak­ing a harm­less pro­tein from the…

Moderna won’t share its vaccine recipe. WHO has hired an African startup to crack it

Enlarge this image Mem­bers of a team at the Afrigen Bio­log­ics and Vac­cines lab in Cape Town, South Africa. The World Health Orga­ni­za­tion has enlist­ed the com­pa­ny to repli­cate Mod­er­na’s COVID-19 vac­cine. Tom­my Tren­chard for NPR Tom­my Tren­chard for NPR Fans of the tele­vi­sion series The Great British Bake Off have long mar­veled at the skill con­tes­tants show…