Tokollo is an ESG and climate resilience analyst with deep roots in the African continent. She works on climate finance, environmental justice strategy, and decarbonization.

Focus on Namibia Following Discovery of Oil

Namib­ia Strikes First Oil  Namib­ia, a nation of about 3 mil­lion peo­ple in South­ern Africa, wants to start pro­duc­ing its own oil in four years. This news comes after Shell, a British multi­na­tion­al oil and gas com­pa­ny struck the country’s first off­shore oil dis­cov­ery at the Graff‑1 well. Hailed as the “final fron­tier” of oil exploration…

New COVID Vaccine Aims to Boost Underserved Nations in Africa, India

  Why CORBEVAX?  Sci­en­tists in the state of Texas in Amer­i­ca have devel­oped a new acces­si­ble COVID-19 vac­cine (CORBEVAX) to com­bat low inoc­u­la­tion rates in low-income and under­served coun­tries.  Hailed as “the World’s COVID-19 vac­cine,” Texas Children’s Hos­pi­tal and Bay­lor Col­lege of Medicine’s CORBEVAX uses the con­ven­tion­al method of tak­ing a harm­less pro­tein from the…

Coverage Shows How and Why Africa Got Cheated at COP26

The 2021 UN-orga­nized Cli­mate Change Con­fer­ence or COP26 was held from Octo­ber 31 to Novem­ber 13 in Glas­gow, Unit­ed King­dom.  As a region most vul­ner­a­ble to the effects of cli­mate change, cov­er­age on Africa’s agen­da at COP26 focused on cli­mate finance and jus­tice. Going into COP26, the African Group of Nego­tia­tor’s mes­sage to devel­oped nations was…