Often Misunderstood, an African Tradition Comes Alive at Benin Festival

Jan­u­ary 2nd to 10th marked the fifth edi­tion of the Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of Voodoo Cul­ture, Arts, and Civ­i­liza­tion that was held in the African nation of Benin. The theme of the Fes­ti­val was: “Restor­ing Ben­in’s her­itage. Research on the ori­gin and trans­mis­sion of knowl­edge in Por­to-Novo’.  The 2022 Fes­ti­val was an oppor­tu­ni­ty to present to…

Coverage Shows How and Why Africa Got Cheated at COP26

The 2021 UN-orga­nized Cli­mate Change Con­fer­ence or COP26 was held from Octo­ber 31 to Novem­ber 13 in Glas­gow, Unit­ed King­dom.  As a region most vul­ner­a­ble to the effects of cli­mate change, cov­er­age on Africa’s agen­da at COP26 focused on cli­mate finance and jus­tice. Going into COP26, the African Group of Nego­tia­tor’s mes­sage to devel­oped nations was…

With the Goncourt Prize Win, Senegal’s Mbougar Sarr Sends a Message

  The pres­ti­gious 2021 Goncourt Prize has been won by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, with his nov­el “La plus secrète mémoire des hommes”, or “The most secret mem­o­ry of men.” The book was pub­lished in France by Philippe Rey. Mohamed Mbougar Sarr thus became the first writer from sub-Saha­ran Africa to receive France’s most pres­ti­gious lit­er­ary prize.…

The George Floyd Matter — Local Issue, Global Consequences

The recent trag­ic death of George Floyd, anoth­er black vic­tim of police bru­tal­i­ty in Amer­i­ca, shook the world. Although occur­ring amidst arguably the dead­liest pan­dem­ic in mod­ern his­to­ry, the coro­n­avirus, news of his death stirred up a lot of emo­tions across the globe. These emo­tions led to protests through­out all 50 states in Amer­i­ca, and even…

The Transformation of Africa Post-Independence: Malcolm Newton

Today we bring to you Part 3 of Africa Agenda’s Cel­e­bra­tion of World Press Free­dom Day in 2019: A dis­cus­sion about media issues impact­ing jour­nal­ists in the African con­ti­nent.  Greet­ings to our all of guests in the Unit­ed States and around the world.  Lessons to be learned: Stu­dents must learn the ethics of the pro­fes­sion of…