Angola’s Ruling Party, MPLA, Retains Power in Tightest Election Yet‑1/29angola-1-moth.jpg The Pop­u­lar Move­ment for the Lib­er­a­tion of Ango­la won in the gen­er­al elec­tion with the low­est mar­gin since com­ing to pow­er in 1975. LUANDA, Ango­la — Angola’s rul­ing par­ty on Mon­day was declared the win­ner of the gen­er­al elec­tion, but it was its weak­est show­ing in the five elec­tions that have tak­en place since the…

In Algeria, Macron Seeks to Reshape Traumatic Ties With France‑1/28algiers-macron-1-moth.jpg On a three-day vis­it, the French pres­i­dent said he was seek­ing “truth and acknowl­edg­ment” over the war and colo­nial­ism. ALGIERS — Past the graves and elab­o­rate Chris­t­ian mau­soleums of Saint Eugene Ceme­tery, Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron of France made his way, before lay­ing a wreath at a mon­u­ment to those “who died for France.” For…

Benin Bronzes Returned to Nigeria from Germany

Two of the renowned arti­facts were giv­en back to Nige­ria on Fri­day, and Ger­many intends to give the African coun­try own­er­ship of some 1,100 more. Ger­many returned two of the price­less arti­facts known as the Benin Bronzes to Nige­ria on Fri­day, after reach­ing a polit­i­cal agree­ment that could soon see hun­dreds more return to the country…

Commonwealth’s Fissures Exposed at Week of Meetings This year’s sum­mit for the group of nations came as they grap­pled with the place of the monar­chy, and as many were forg­ing con­nec­tions with pow­ers like Chi­na and Rus­sia. KIGALI, Rwan­da — As the lead­ers of the Com­mon­wealth wrapped up a week of closed-door meet­ings, pan­el dis­cus­sions and for­mal din­ners on Sat­ur­day in…

Will France’s Africa Policy Hold Up?

Sum­ma­ry Dur­ing his first term, French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron sought to revi­tal­ize his country’s diplo­mat­ic out­reach to coun­tries through­out Africa. Some aspects of this piv­ot were designed to more direct­ly address the lega­cy of French colo­nial­ism in Fran­coph­o­ne coun­tries. He also sensed that the grow­ing stature of non-West­­ern pow­ers like Chi­na has giv­en African counterparts…

Putin’s World Order Would Be Devastating for Africa On March 2, mem­ber states of the Unit­ed Nations Gen­er­al Assem­bly vot­ed over­whelm­ing­ly in favor of a res­o­lu­tion that strong­ly con­demned Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin’s war of aggres­sion against Ukraine. The res­o­lu­tion, which was sup­port­ed by 141 mem­ber states, affirmed that “any attempt aimed at the … dis­rup­tion of the ter­ri­to­r­i­al integri­ty of a…

How the West Lost Africa­come to For­eign Pol­i­cy’s Africa Brief. The high­lights this week: Tunisia’s largest trade union calls a strike over wages, a politi­cian in Alge­ria seeks to crim­i­nal­ize nor­mal­iza­tion of rela­tions with Israel, and the Meroe pyra­mids in Sudan are dig­i­tized. If you would like to receive Africa Brief in your inbox every Wednes­day, please sign up here.…

Why African Leaders Won’t Back the West on Ukraine­come to For­eign Pol­i­cy’s Africa Brief. The high­lights this week: The Unit­ed States calls for an inves­ti­ga­tion into atroc­i­ties in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, Gam­bia’s oppo­si­tion par­ty los­es its major­i­ty in elec­tions, and the tri­al of South Africa’s Jacob Zuma is delayed again. If you would like to receive Africa Brief in your inbox every Wednesday,…