African Nations Fight Covid-19 Despite Socio-Economic Conditions

In ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, while West­ern coun­tries like Italy and Spain had record­ed con­firmed cas­es of the dread­ed nov­el coro­n­avirus or Covid-19, Africa, the sec­ond-largest con­ti­nent and home to more than a bil­lion peo­ple had yet to record any. This left many dumb­found­ed. The good news led to the rise of a bunch of fal­la­cious ideas…

In Case You Missed It: 1/04/16 — 1/10/16

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, Net­flix expands to Africa,  the IMF address­es falling oil prices and eco­nom­ic hard­ships in Nige­ria and Cameroon, and Egyp­t’s new par­lia­ment gets to work.     Net­flix Offi­cial­ly Launch­es in Africa Net­flix announced this…

The idea that Africa is booming is hot and sexy

News that Africa is boom­ing is going main­stream.  At least that is the point that is dis­cerned when major U.S. print and broad­cast­ing out­lets such as the Wash­ing­ton Post, New York Times, The Atlantic,  Chris­t­ian Sci­ence Mon­i­tor and NPR pick up on news of trans­for­ma­tion that is tak­ing place in con­ti­nen­tal Africa. These orga­ni­za­tions are devoting…

Global financial crisis may slow growth in poor nations

U.S. Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma has called it “the worst finan­cial cri­sis in our life time.” You can call any­thing you like; the cri­sis of a gen­er­a­tion, the trick­­le-down effects of the sub-prime mort­gage lend­ing mess, or what­ev­er, but the glob­al finan­cial cri­sis is hit­ting not only the Unit­ed States but all coun­tries around the world. It may…