COVID-19 Fallout: Africans Angry, Doctors Rebuked, Trump Defunds WHO

In the ever-increas­ing news around Covid-19 or the coro­n­avirus, a lot is hap­pen­ing. It’s hard to keep track of every­thing. Even while plen­ty of good things have hap­pened in the midst of the pan­dem­ic, such as how peo­ple are cop­ing with the virus, it’s the ones that cause unnec­es­sary pain that has gained the most…

Immigrant Communities Look for Answers after Aurora Shooting

These are sor­row­ful times in Amer­i­ca. Once again, tragedy hit the Unit­ed States the week­end of August 4, when shoot­ings rocked El Paso in Texas, and hours lat­er in Day­ton, Ohio. Sad­ly, these shoot­ings in the U.S. are orches­trat­ed with the use of high-pow­ered guns, some con­sid­ered weapons of war in the hands of civilians…

President Donald Trump Described as a Racist by the Media

The recent deroga­to­ry tweets direct­ed towards four Amer­i­can demo­c­ra­t­ic con­gress­women by the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, Don­ald Trump, read more like a sto­ry­book villain’s tirade than of the com­­man­der-in-chief of the world’s most pow­er­ful nation. The tweets from Trump, stat­ing that the con­gress­women “who orig­i­nal­ly came from coun­tries whose gov­ern­ments are a com­plete and…

U.S. News & World Report Recognized by Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda’s inau­gur­al “Best in Africa Report­ing” awards were announced dur­ing the organization’s 2018 Africa Sum­mit on Novem­ber 2, 2018. The awards were giv­en, albeit sym­bol­i­cal­ly, to two news orga­ni­za­tions judged to have done an excel­lent job in their reportage of African news in a fair and unbi­ased way. Read more here. The sec­ond-place win­ner will be…


Writing During Trump Era — 6 Things African Journalists Must Know

Writ­ing dur­ing the Don­ald Trump Era: It was crit­i­cal for those who advo­cat­ed on behalf of the African con­ti­nent, African blog­gers and jour­nal­ists espe­cial­ly, to take a stand and fight for the con­ti­nent we believe in. African blog­gers need to have a voice on the inter­net, just as the mil­i­tary has a voice on the…

In Case You Missed It: 3/27/17 — 4/2/17

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa. In this week’s news, Unit­ed States Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump tar­gets Soma­lia, the Unit­ed Nations deals a blow to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of the Con­go, and a Niger­ian pilot makes his­to­ry. US Orders Airstrikes in Soma­lia In an effort to fight ter­ror­ism around the world, President…

Trump Administration Cuts Aid to Africa

This week we learned the Trump admin­is­tra­tion has pro­posed a bud­get that would cut for­eign aid dras­ti­cal­ly. The issues, facts, and impli­ca­tions of deci­sions made under the admin­is­tra­tion are inescapable. The State Depart­ment, includ­ing the Unit­ed States Agency for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment (USAID), would be great­ly impact­ed by these cuts. If you are not aware, the State…

In Case You Missed It: 1/23/17 ‑1/29/17

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa. In this week’s news, the Gam­bi­a’s new pres­i­dent comes home, African clin­ics face tough times, and one of African lit­er­a­ture’s most impor­tant voic­es pass­es away. Adama Bar­row offi­cial­ly becomes Pres­i­dent of the Gam­bia A week after he was sup­posed to give up pow­er, Gam­bian Pres­i­dent Yahya…