France’s Baguette Becomes Another Ukraine War Casualty

The fall­out of the war in Ukraine is hit­ting even France’s icon­ic baguette, which was recent­ly added to UNESCO’s World Her­itage list. On Mon­day, French bak­ers took to the streets of Paris to protest soar­ing ener­gy and oth­er prices they say are imper­il­ing their trade. Denis Durand begins his work­days at 3:30 a.m. to bake the…

What Happened to the ‘Housegirls’? — BBC Africa Eye documentary

Three years ago, BBC Africa Eye’s Nan­cy Kacun­gi­ra report­ed on the plight of three young women, Mer­cy, Scovia and Esther who left their homes to find jobs as domes­tic work­ers. Com­mon­ly referred to as ‘house­girls’, the film chron­i­cled their hard lives and illus­trat­ed how being employed as a domes­tic work­er can some­times lead to mistreatment…

The cost of being an atheist (Documentary) — BBC Africa

On April 5th 2022, Mubarak Bala – the pres­i­dent of the Human­ist Asso­ci­a­tion of Nige­ria – plead guilty to charges attached to blas­phe­my. The sen­tence that fol­lowed caused shock­waves through­out the coun­try, rever­ber­at­ing around the world, and plac­ing the threats to free­dom of expres­sion in Africa’s most pop­u­lous coun­try under new scruti­ny.  BBC’s Yemisi Adegoke…