As Virus Resurges in Africa, Doctors Fear the Worst Is Yet to Come

#mas­t­­head-sec­­tion-label, #mas­t­­head-bar-one { dis­play: none }The Coro­n­avirus Out­breakliveLat­est UpdatesMaps and Cas­esThe Stim­u­lus DealThe Lat­est Vac­cine Infor­ma­tionF.A.Q.Credit…Samantha Rein­ders for The New York Times As Virus Resurges in Africa, Doc­tors Fear the Worst Is Yet to Come The coro­n­avirus killed far few­er peo­ple in

WHO: Equitable, Global Distribution of 2 Billion COVID-19 Vaccine Doses to Begin in 2021

Near­ly two bil­lion dos­es of COVID-19 vac­cines have been secured for equi­table dis­tri­b­u­tion in 2021 to the 190 coun­tries that have signed on to a World Health Orga­ni­za­­­tion-led part­ner­ship, accord­ing to a Fri­day announce­ment from the group.  Offi­cials from the