Five African Nations Battling Covid-19

The news is full of bad reports about the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic which is wreak­ing hav­oc all over the world. With a vac­cine at least months, if not a year away, there is cause for some opti­mism in the fight against the dis­ease in the African con­ti­nent. As we have been track­ing how nations are dealing…

African Migrants Flocking to U.S.-Mexico Border – Africa Headlines

As more peo­ple from the African con­ti­nent leave to seek oppor­tu­ni­ties else­where, the route to a bet­ter life out­side of the con­ti­nent is tak­ing many not just through North Africa and the Mediter­ranean which leads into Europe, but also through coun­tries in South Amer­i­ca in the attempt to get to the Unit­ed States. On June…

South Africa Elections Stir Up Corruption Controversy

South African leader, Cyril Rhamaphosa, sworn into office Sat­ur­day, May 25, is count­ing him­self a lucky man after lead­ing the embat­tled African Nation­al Con­gress (ANC) par­ty to a major­i­ty win in the May 8 Gen­er­al Elec­tions. The ANC, the par­ty of Nel­son Man­dela, con­tin­ues to face alle­ga­tions of cor­rup­tion that plagued the par­ty for many…

Elections in South Africa — A Media Review

Edi­tor’s Note: On May 8 South Africans will go to the polls to elect par­lia­men­tar­i­ans and provin­cial leg­is­la­tors in the coun­try’s Gen­er­al Elec­tions. In this analy­sis, Uni­qua Smith gives us a pre­view of the elec­tions by tak­ing a look at the major par­ties involved, the issues on the bal­lot, as well as how the election…

Tropical Cyclone Idai — Floods in Mozambique Lead the News

The nation of Mozam­bique in South-East­­ern Africa suf­fered cat­a­stroph­ic dam­ages fol­low­ing what is being described as a Trop­i­cal Cyclone Idai start­ing on March 4.  The storms inten­si­fied there­after, con­tin­u­ing into the week of March 18, leav­ing many deaths and plen­ty of destruc­tion, includ­ing sub­merged build­ings. Accord­ing to News24, “Trop­i­cal cyclone Idai has made head­lines across…


Organizations Wage War on Fake News in Africa

The bat­tle to deal with deceit, mis­in­for­ma­tion, and its relat­ed ills, or fake news, has been on for many years. You’ll see me use the word “bat­tle” many times in my writ­ings on this sub­ject. It’s a bat­tle because the ter­rain is akin to war­fare. In a bat­tle where you either win or you lose,…

Peaceful Transfer of Power in Africa Not in the Headlines

Recent hap­pen­ings on the African con­ti­nent, specif­i­cal­ly in coun­tries like Zim­bab­we and Liberia prove that pow­er can change hands peace­ful­ly, even demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly, in Africa. Robert Mugabe of Zim­bab­we, one of Africa’s longest-serv­ing pres­i­dents came under the spot­light in Decem­ber 2017 when army chief of staff at the time, Con­stan­ti­no Chi­wen­ga, flexed his mus­cle, rude­ly indicating…

In Case You Missed It: 5/1/17 — 5/31/17

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa In this week’s news, an Ethiopi­an is elect­ed the new WHO Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, South Africa’s Pres­i­dent faces more inves­ti­ga­tions for alleged cor­rup­tion, and long­time Zim­bab­wean leader, Robert Mugabe goes on a speak­ing tour. Ethiopi­an Politi­cian Named Head of the WHO The World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (WHO) has elected…

Malaria Vaccine Tops the News: May 1, 2017 In this week’s news, the world’s first malar­ia vac­cine is being devel­oped, Chi­na puts pres­sure on African fish­eries, and the Pope vis­its Egypt. Malar­ia Vac­cine Tri­als To Start Soon Begin­ning next year, the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (WHO) will begin real-world test­ing of its new malar­ia vac­cine. The vac­cine will be test­ed in Kenya, Ghana, and Malawi…

In Case You Missed It: 4/3/17 – 4/12/17

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa. As the glob­al con­sump­tion of beer increas­es, pro­duc­tion and sales from Africa see growth, and the U.S. Coun­cil of For­eign Rela­tions writes about entrenched African lead­er­ship. Africa Pro­ject­ed to Beat North Amer­i­ca in Beer Sales by 2040 In the last sev­er­al years there has been much…