Israeli parliament takes step toward new national elections — The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel took a major step toward plung­ing into its fourth nation­al elec­tion in under two years on Wednes­day as law­mak­ers — sup­port­ed by Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu’s main coali­tion part­ner — passed a pre­lim­i­nary pro­pos­al to dis­solve par­lia­ment. The 61–54 vote came just sev­en months after the coali­tion took office fol­low­ing three…

Covid-19 Spared Africa — A Reality American Media Won’t Admit

In jour­nal­ism, there is such a thing as agen­­da-set­t­ing – how the mass media — news­pa­pers, radio, and TV, and the plu­ral­i­ty of online chan­nels — pri­or­i­tize the news for pub­li­ca­tion. The idea that some news sto­ries would take prece­dence over oth­ers gained cre­dence with thought lead­ers, Maxwell McCombs and Don­ald Shaw, dur­ing the 1968…